2011 Spilling Ink Fiction Prize
Now Open!
Closing Date: October 1, 2011
Winning and short-listed entries notified no later than October 31, 2011+++1st Prize – £500, publication, 1 free copy of annual print anthology
2nd Prize – £250, publication, 1 free copy of annual print anthology
3rd Prize – £125, publication, 1 free copy of annual print anthology
Shortlisted Entries* – publication, 1 free copy of annual print anthology
Entry fee £5
* Number of entries shortlisted will be determined by the quality of submissions
Competition Guidelines
- 3,000 words max (no minimum).
- There is no theme. All styles (including experimental) and genre-based fiction (mystery, crime, fantasy, science fiction, historical) are welcome.
- Multiple entries are accepted but must be accompanied with an entry fee. Entry fees may be paid securely online via PayPal (you do not need a PayPal account) or via post. Postal payments should be made by cheque. Cheques must be from a UK bank and should be payable to ‘Spilling Ink Review’.
- Simultaneous submissions are accepted but please let us know as soon as possible if your entry has been accepted elsewhere or won/placed in another writing competition. Entry fees will not be refunded in this case.
- Entries may be submitted via email or post. Entries submitted via email must be attached in the form of a Word (doc) or Rich Text Format (rtf). Entries submitted via post must be printed on standard-size paper and double-spaced. Entries sent via post will not be returned (please don’t send your only copy). Send postal entries to: Spilling Ink Review /PO Box 16864 / Glasgow / Scotland / G11 9DJ
- Please be kind when formatting and adhere to general rules of courtesy (i.e. 12pt standard font, double-spaced, pages numbered).
- Submissions must be entrant’s own original work and must be previously unpublished (work that has appeared online, in print or has been broadcast is not eligible).
- International submissions are welcomed but all entries must be written in English.
- As a condition of submitting, the author agrees that SIR has permission to publish the material online and in print. Copyright remains with the author.
- Entries will be judged anonymously and all decisions are final.
- All submissions will be considered for publication in the SIR e-journal.
How to Enter
- You have two payment options. You may use the secure, pay-online PayPal option below or you may send a cheque (from a UK bank only) to the following address: Spilling Ink Review, PO Box 16864, Glasgow, Scotland G11 9DJ.
£5 Entry Fee use this PayPal Button:
- Once you have a receipt/transaction number submit your entry via email to: spillingink.email@gmail.com
- Be sure to cut and paste your PayPal receipt/transaction number into the body of the email (or let me know that payment has been sent via post)
- State the competition category in the subject line of your email
- In the body of the email please include the following:
Name Postal Address Title of Entry and Word Count PayPal Receipt/Transaction Number
- Don’t forget to attach your story!