PUB: 2012 Fiction Prize > Indiana Review

2012 Fiction Prize

Final Judge: Dana Johnson

Dana Johnson is the author of Elsewhere, California and Break Any Woman Down, which won the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction and was a finalist for the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award. Her work has appeared in the literary journals Slake, Callaloo, and The Iowa Review, among others, and anthologized in Shaking the Tree: A Collection of New Fiction and Memoir by Black Women, The Dictionary of Failed Relationships, and California Uncovered: Stories for the 21st Century. Born and raised in and around Los Angeles, California, she is an associate professor of English at the University of Southern California where she teaches literature and creative writing. She lives in downtown Los Angeles.


2012 Indiana Review Fiction Prize Guidelines


$1000 Honorarium and Publication
Final Judge: Dana Johnson

Reading Fee: $20
Includes a one-year subscription

All entries considered for publication. All entries considered anonymously. Send only one story per entry, 8,000 word maximum, 12 pt. font.

Previously published works and works forthcoming elsewhere cannot be considered. Simultaneous submissions okay, but fee is non-refundable if accepted elsewhere. Multiple entries okay, as long as a separate reading fee is included with each entry. Further, IR cannot consider work from anyone currently or recently affiliated with Indiana University or the prize judge.

Cover letter must include name, address, phone number, and title. Entrant’s name should appear ONLY on the cover letter. If desired, include a self-addressed stamped envelope for notification. Manuscripts will not be returned. Make checks payable to Indiana University. Please note we cannot accept checks payable to Indiana Review.

Each fee entitles entrant to a one-year subscription, an extension of a current subscription, or a gift subscription. Please indicate your choice and enclose complete address information for
subscriptions. Overseas addresses, please add $12 for postage ($7 for addresses in Canada). Please note that we cannot accept money orders or checks from foreign banks.

Fiction Prize
Indiana Review
Ballantine Hall 465
1020 E. Kirkwood Ave.
Bloomington, IN


Alternatively, you may submit online via our submission manager. Be sure to choose “2012 Fiction Prize” as the genre of the submission. Please include all cover letter information in the comment box. No identifying information should appear on the entry itself.