PUB: 22nd Century Press

Call for Submissions - Voices of the Dream


Essays, poems, flash fiction, photographs, artwork, video and other multimedia related to an individuals personal experiences and relevations to how the 'I Have A Dream' speech and the March on Washington has affected their life. This will be a multimedia book and website project slated for 2012 with several judges/editors.

What does or has the I Have a Dream speech done to influence or not influence your life? Has it mattered? Is it a non-issue? Has it changed your family’s direction and outlook? Has it inspired you or made you despondent? Are you afraid that most Americans have lost sight of the meaning? Is it part of your daily life or outlook? What is your feeling when you hear it? Just another speech? A connection with the recent past? A vision for the future?

Obviously, there are many views of Martin Luther King, the march on Washington, and his historic speech. We want to hear (and see) from the people who are living the dream, have forgotten the dream, think it may be irrelevant today or are working to keep it alive.

You can start submitting today - the 47th anniversary of The March on Washington. Send photos and other works to: Subject: Voices of the Dream Project

The dedicated website will be up in November, and previews of selected materials will be posted in January 2011. The last date to submit for this project will be September 1, 2011.