PUB: 3rd International Conference on Caribbean Studies: “Looking to the Caribbean—Film, Literature, and Gender Studies” « Repeating Islands

3rd International Conference on

Caribbean Studies:

“Looking to the Caribbean

—Film, Literature, and Gender Studies”

The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Marquette University-Milwaukee and the Department of World Languages at the University of North Florida are sponsoring the 3rd International Conference on Caribbean Studies. Organized around the theme “Looking to the Caribbean: Film, Literature, and Gender Studies” [Miradas al Caribe: Cine, Literatura y Estudios de Género], it will be held on April 11-13, 2013, at Marquette University Milwaukee in Wisconsin. The keynote speaker will be Zoé Valdés. The deadline for abstracts is January 15, 2013.

Abstracts should not be more than a page long and should include paper title, affiliation, address, telephone number and email. Presentations are limited to 20 minutes and a panel/session will be composed of a maximum of 3 presenters. Proposals for panels/sessions should be no more than 2 pages long and should include title, brief explanation of the session, title of each presentation, and information of each participant. Papers may be read in English, French, or Spanish. Graduate students are encouraged to participate. Registration fees of $125.00 for faculty and professionals and $65.00 for students and retirees will be due upon acceptance.

Abstracts in Spanish or English should be sent (as a Word document) to or to; abstracts in French should be sent to

[Many thanks to Peter Jordens for bringing this item to our attention.]