ABQ Writers Co-op
announces the second annual
bosque Fiction Prize
this year, for writers 45+!First Prize: $1000 honorarium + publication in bosque (the magazine), issue 2
Final Judge: Beverly Lowry*Entries accepted March 1 - 31, 2012 only • Reading fee $20
Instructions for submissions:
- All entries will be considered for publication.
- Send no more than one story per entry. Each story must not exceed 5000 words. Multiple entries are acceptable, provided that a separate reading fee is sent for each.
- Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but the contest fee is non-refundable if the submission is withdrawn. Please notify AWC as soon as possible if a submitted story is accepted elsewhere.
- Previously published works and works accepted for publication elsewhere cannot be considered. bosque's definition of publishing includes electronic publication.
- Electronic submissions only. Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting.
- Between March 1st-31st only, please email your manuscript and separate information page, as .doc, docx, or .rtf attachments, to contest(at)abqwriterscoop(dot)com. The info page doc should contain the following:
Name this doc {yourname}.infopg.doc.
- name,
- address,
- email,
- birthdate (include year for verification of 45+ requirement), and
- story title.
The manuscript doc should NOT contain any identifying data. Standard ms format:
Name this attachment {yourname}.{msname}.doc.
- double spaced,
- 1” margins,
- no fancy fonts,
- numbered pages only.
All ms docs will be assigned numbers for anonymity.
Please note that your submission will not be processed until you have completed step 2, below.
- Your $20 contest fee can be paid online via the PayPal button below, or you may mail your check to:
ABQ Writers Co-op • 163 Sol del Oro • Corrales NM 87048
- Once you have completed steps (1) and (2), confirmation of receipt of your ms and fee will be emailed to the e-dress from which you sent your ms.
*Beverly Lowry is the author of six novels and several works of nonfiction. She teaches writing at George Mason University.
Info: contest(at)abqwriterscoop(dot)com