The Caribbean Writer, the University of the Virgin Islands’ international, refereed, literary journal with a Caribbean focus, announces a submission call for its 26th edition. Issues unique to the Caribbean should be central to work submitted, or the work should reflect a Caribbean heritage, experience or perspective. Besides the usual poetry, short fiction and personal essays, Volume 26 will be dedicated to the environment – nature and ecology.
As we move into the 21st century we have to be mindful of our environment, how we care for it, how we preserve and maintain its pristine beaches, lush mountains and diverse, extraordinary bird, insect and animal life. The Caribbean Writer seeks works that celebrate as well as explore our relationship to nature, how tourism impacts our environment, the role nature plays in our lives, and nature’s rich flora and fauna.
Volume 26 will also celebrate women writers. We welcome interviews, essays and personal narratives on Sylvia Wynter, Olive Senior, Paule Marshall, Claire Harris, Lorna Goodison, Nancy Morejon, Velma Pollard, Erna Bordber, Zee Edgell and any other prominent Caribbean women writers.
Individuals are encouraged to submit poems (five maximum), short stories, personal essays or one-act plays. Only previously unpublished work will be considered. (If self-published, give details.) Include brief biographical information and put all contact information, plus the title of the manuscript, on a separate page. Only the title should appear on the manuscript.
All submissions are eligible for these prizes: The Daily News Prize for best poetry ($300), The Canute A. Brodhurst Prize for best short fiction ($400), The David Hough Literary Prize to a Caribbean author ($500), The Marguerite Cobb McKay Prize to a Virgin Islands author ($200), and The Charlotte & Isidor Paiewonsky Prize for first-time publication ($250).
Send e-mail submissions to: as attached Word or RTF files, or submit via our “Submissions” page at Submissions may also be sent by postal mail to: The Caribbean Writer, University of the Virgin Islands, RR 1, Box 10,000, Kingshill St. Croix, VI 00850-9781. Submission deadline is Nov. 30, 2011.
For more information, visit or call (340) 692-4152.