a journal for women, about women
Guest Editor: Diane Lockward, author of four collections of poetry, Temptation by Water (Wind Publications, 2010), What Feeds Us, which received the Quentin R. Howard Poetry Prize, Eve’s Red Dress, and a chapbook, Against Perfection. Her poems have been published in several anthologies, including Poetry Daily: 366 Poems from the World’s Most Popular Poetry Website, Garrison Keillor's Good Poems for Hard Times, and The Poet's Cookbook. Her poems have also appeared in such journals as Beloit Poetry Journal, Spoon River Poetry Review, Harvard Review, Poet Lore, and Prairie Schooner.
Why Adanna?
Adanna, a name of Nigerian origin, pronounced a-DAN-a, is defined as “her father’s daughter.” This literary journal is titled Adanna because women over the centuries have been defined by men in politics, through marriage, and, most importantly, by the men who fathered them. Today women are still bound by complex roles in society, often needing to wear more than one hat or sacrifice one role so another may flourish.
While this journal is dedicated to women, it is not exclusive, and it welcomes our counterparts and their thoughts about women today. Submissions to Adanna must reflect women’s issues or topics, celebrate womanhood, and shout out in passion.
Submission Information:
The reading period for this first issue begins on January 31st and closes April 31st.
Send submissions as a single file attachment to adannajournal@yahoo.comAdanna accepts poetry, short stories, essays, and reviews of books and visual arts. Adanna welcomes both National and International submissions in English.
- Please submit only unpublished pieces.
- For poetry submissions, please send a minimum of 3 poems, a maximum of 6.
- Please limit prose works to a maximum of 2000 words, no more than one piece in a submission.
- Simultaneous submissions accepted.
- Please notify us as soon as possible of any accepted work.
- Submit in one file as a single document, Word or rtf. No pdf files, please.
- Include contact information on your document.
Adanna will be a perfect bound print book publication, Summer 2011.