PUB: Adanna Literary Journal




2011 Poetry Contest
Founder & Editor, christine redman-waldeyer
assistant editor, david crews


a Collection of Contemporary Love poetry
Open to all writers: (National and International submissions in English) 
-         $100 cash prize for 1st place with centerfold placement
-         This collection will be limited to 50 of the best love poems
-         Adanna’s collection of love poetry will be a perfect bound print book publication
-         All winners will receive a complimentary copy.


1.  Send us 3-5 of your best love poems
2.  Payment of a $10.00 non-refundable entry fee (PayPal or check payable to Adanna)
3.  All submissions must be electronic:  e-mail your submissions in one single file word document to (No PDF files please).
P.O. Box 547
Manasquan, NJ 08736
a.  If you are sending a check, please submit your work electronically only

b.  Provide a cover letter including a 3-4 line bio and indicate if you paid through PayPal or mailed in your check

4.  What are we looking for in a love poem?   You may want to visit Jeremy Richards article “How to Write Love Poems” on the Poetry Foundation website:

MORE ON Submissions:
·                 Entries will be accepted between July and November.
·                 Entries postmarked later than November 30th , 2011 will not be accepted.
·                 Simultaneous submissions are acceptable providing you contact Adanna upon       
              acceptance in another journal (unpublished submissions only)
·                 Poetry submitted without the entry fee will not be considered
·                 Submit in one file as a single document, Word or rtf.  No pdf files, please.

- multiple submissions are accepted with additional entry fees (up to 5 poems only per batch)

- Please write in the subject line "Love Poetry Contest"

- We will contact you upon acceptance; all winners will be announced in December