PUB: African American Literature and Culture Society-San Francisco ALA-Due Jan 8, 2012 >

African American

Literature and Culture Society

-San Francisco ALA

-Due Jan 8, 2012

full name / name of organization: 
African American Literature and Culture Society

contact email:

African American Literature and Culture Society at the American Literature Association 23nd Annual Conference
May 24-27, 2012, Hyatt Regency, San Francisco

The African American Literature and Culture Society invites 300-word abstracts for presentations at the annual conference of the ALA (

The program committee welcomes abstracts on any aspect of African American literature and culture, but is especially interested in proposals engaging the theme of Vision and Revision in African American Literature. The conference theme should be interpreted broadly and we will accept abstracts on any topic related to African American literature. Possible topics related to the theme include:

*Performance, Poetry and Drama (esp. interested in proposals on Harryette Mullen)

*Global Perspectives on African American Literature

*Re-Envisioning African American Literary Tradition from Post-bellum to Pre-Harlem

*Readership and the Technologies of Fiction in the 21st Century

*Visual Culture and African American Literature

*Visions of the Future: Post-Apocalyptic Fiction

*Representations of Addiction in African American Literature

*Representing Race, Gender, Class and Sexuality

*Politics of Pedagogy and Popular Fiction

*What is African American Literature/Literary Study?

*Visions and Voices of the Past, Present and Future in African American Literature

*African American Literature and Film

*Spectacle and the Body

*Visibility, Invisibility and Hypervisibility

Please send 300-word abstracts to Shirley Moody-Turner ( and James Peterson ( by Sunday, January 8, 2012.

*Presenters must be members of AALCS by the time of the conference. Information about the Society can be found at the AALCS website: