PUB: Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize


The 2011 Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize Competition

The University of Pittsburgh Press announces the Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize for a first full-length book of poems. Named after the first director of the Press, the prize carries a cash award of $5,000 and publication by the University of Pittsburgh Press in the Pitt Poetry Series under its standard royalty contract. The winner will be announced in the fall; no information about the winner will be released before the fall announcement. The Starrett Prize is our only venue for first-book poetry manuscripts.

The volume of manuscripts received prevents the Press from offering critiques or entering into correspondence about manuscripts other than the one chosen for publication.

Manuscripts submitted to the contest will not be returned. Please keep a copy of the manuscript.

Past Winners of the Agnes Lynch Starret Poetry Prize


The award is open to any poet writing in English who has not had a full-length book of poetry published previously.  We define "full-length book" as a volume of 48 or more pages published in an edition of 750 or more copies. Books whose publication costs have been borne by their authors are excluded from this definition. University of Pittsburgh employees, former employees, current students, and those who have been students within the last three years are not eligible for the award.

Format for Submissions

Please send one copy of your manuscript on good quality white paper, with no fewer than 48 and no more than 100 typescript pages.  Clean, legible photocopies are acceptable.  Your name, address, phone number, and email address should be on your title page. These are our only format requirements. Please also include your curriculum vitae.

Results will be announced in major poetry and writing magazines once a winner has been chosen. Enclose a self-addressed stamped postcard for acknowledgment of receipt and a SASE for contest results.

Fee for Submission

Each manuscript must be accompanied by a check or money order in U.S. dollars only for $25.00 payable to "University of Pittsburgh Press."

Multiple Submissions

Manuscripts being considered by other publishers are allowed, but if a manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere, please notify the Press in writing.

Dates for Submission

Manuscripts must be received during March and April 2011. That is, they must be postmarked on or after March 1 and on or before April 30. The address for submissions is:

Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize
University of Pittsburgh Press
Eureka Building, Fifth Floor
3400 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

If you have any questions about these guidelines, please email