PUB: AICW : The Association of Italian Canadian Writers

AICW Contests

Association of Italian Canadian Writers (AICW)
2011 Flash Fiction Contest

Theme: "I'm just a stranger here myself." – finding one's bearings in a strange time, place or condition.

Maximum length: 500 words

Prizes: 1st prize - $500, 2nd prize: $250

Extended deadline! October 31st 2011

Contest open internationally to writers of any cultural affiliation. Entries accepted in English, French, and Italian. Multiple entries welcome
Unpublished work only - no simultaneous submissions.

Entry Fee:
$20 Canadian, and $10 (Canadian) for AICW members for each entry. Send cheque or money order payable to : Association of Italian Canadian Writers: AICW contest, c/o Michael Mirolla, 7 McMullen Drive, Stouffville, Ontario, Canada, L4A 7X4

For those with PayPal accounts the fee is $22, payment may be made to

How to enter:
Forward entries by email as a Word Document:

  • double-spaced
  • numbered pages
  • Title must appear on each page
  • Entrant's name must not appear on the manuscript
  • Include a separate cover page with title of entry, word count, author's name and contact information
Send entries to :

Winners will be contacted by phone or e-mail and posted on AICW website.








