PUB: American Literary Review - Contest

2011 Literary awards

Contest Guidelines

    Please note that we do not accept submissions via email.   

  • Three prizes of $1,000 each and publication in the Spring 2012 issue of the American Literary Review will be given for a poem, a short story, and an essay.

  • Submit up to three poems, a short story of up to 8,000 words, or an essay of up to 6,500 words with a $15 entry fee between June 1 and October 1, 2011. Make checks payable to American Literary Review. Entries submitted before June 1 or after October 1 will be returned unread.

  • Include a cover page with author's name, title(s), address, and phone number. Do not include any identifying information on subsequent pages except for the title of the work.

  • Enclose a $15.00 reading fee (includes subscription) and a SASE for contest results. Multiple entries are acceptable; however each entry must be accompanied by a reading fee. (Note: only the initial entry fee includes a subscription.

    Subsequent entry fees go to contest costs only and will not extend the subscription.) Make checks payable to American Literary Review.

  • Short Fiction: One work of fiction per entry ($15), limit 8,000 words per work.

  • Creative Nonfiction: One work per entry fee, limit 6,500 words per work.

  • Poetry: Entry fee covers up to three poems (i.e. one to three poems would require an entry fee of $15; four to six poems would be $30, and so on).

  • Label entries according to contest genre and mail to ALR's regular submission address:

    For example: American Literary Review Short Fiction Contest
                        P.O. Box 311307
                        University of North Texas
                        Denton, TX 76203-1307