PUB: Announcements | Advocating for people affected and infected by HIV and AIDS


Win R2000 In Our Essay Competition

Starting March 4, 2011 - Ending July 27, 2011

We are looking for a prize essay/short story about HIV

Southern Anglican and CABSA (Christian AIDS Bureau for Southern Africa) have joined forces to celebrate the bureau’s 10th anniversary by offering two of our readers the opportunity to win R2000 each.

You are invited to submit a short story that highlights the realities of the epidemic and   submissions to Southern Anglican need to be in English and no longer than 1800 words. (Should you prefer to write in Afrikaans, Lig magazine is running the same competition.)

Entries are invited in two categories, previously published and novice authors and the winners of each category in English will be published in Southern Anglican and receive a cash prize of R2000.

Visit the CABSA website for more information on HIV or the organisation.

Competition Rules
-        Stories should have HIV as the theme
-        Stories can be in Afrikaans or English and a prize will be allocated in each language for novice or previously published authors.
-        Winning entries in the English competition will be published in Southern Anglican.
-        Entries should specify the category and that the work has not been previously published.
-        Stories become the property of CABSA
-        Stories should be no longer than 1800 words
-        The competition will be adjuducated by representatives of CABSA and Southern Anglican, and the decision of the judges is final.
-        CABSA and Southern Anglican reserve the right not to award a prize if entries do not meet the publication standards of Southern Anglican.
-        The closing date for the English competition is 29 July 2011.
-        Winners will be announced in the November 2011 issue of Southern Anglican and on

Entries can be sent by emailwith subject line: Short Story Competition to Ms Lucinda Leppin or post entries for her attention to Short Story Competition, CABSA, PO Box 16, Wellington, 7654.