The International Museum of Women is now accepting submissions of any media type for our new online exhibition,
Your Voices: On MotherhoodSubmissions are accepted online through October 31, 2011 with a prize of US$1000 to the Community Choice Award Winner!
Artists, filmmakers, photographers, musicians, writers: IMOW wants to showcase your work in the new online exhibition Your Voices: On Motherhood. Contributions can come in any medium that is currently supported on IMOW.org (see below for details) and work must address a topic related to motherhood.
IMOW wants to showcase the experiences, ideas, joys and challenges of a new global generation on this important issue. What are your fears and hopes as you think about whether to become a mother? How is being a ‘good' mother defined in your country or culture? How is mothering now different to your mother or grandmother's generation?
Potential topics may include but are not limited to:
- Motherhood and Identity
- Pregnancy and Childbirth - including maternal health
- Work/life Choices
- Motherhood Myths and Realities
- Teenage Motherhood
- Fathers
- Grandmothers
Explore these questions and topics, or come up with your own. We encourage you to submit original art, creative writing, personal stories, journalism, music, audio, video, photography or animation for consideration, and take part in this extraordinary conversation!
Your Voices: On Motherhood is an entirely global community driven showcase that will launch in November 2011. The exhibition will represent the diverse voices, experiences, struggles and successes of women worldwide as they relate to motherhood. We encourage submissions from all global regions.
Submitting your work provides the opportunity to showcase your creativity for a global audience of over 50,000 monthly visitors from 200 countries. Submitted work will be reviewed by a jury, and selected submissions will be curated for inclusion in the Your Voices: On Motherhood exhibition. Additionally, by submitting, your work will automatically be considered for inclusion in IMOW's exciting new flagship exhibition on global motherhood scheduled to launch in 2012. We invite you to share your thoughts and creativity!
All published submissions will be eligible for the Community Choice Award, a US$1,000 prize, with a $500 cash award going to the individual contributor and a $500 donation going to a women's nonprofit of the winner's choice. More information about the community choice award guidelines and voting process will be provided at the launch of the Your Voices on Motherhood exhibition in November.
- Register for the IMOW Community.
- Log-in to access the online submissions form.
- Submit by October 31, 2011.
If you have questions or trouble submitting, please e-mail submissions@imow.org.
Submit your work now>>
WHAT TO SUBMITGet inspired! Below, we've included examples of work that was curated and included in IMOW's previous online exhibitions. (Be sure to note formatting guidelines next to each media type.)
Art: Submit images of your paintings, drawings, sculptures, prints, or cartoons. Include a minimum 100-word description. Upload .jpg, .gif, or .bmp files sized 600 pixels wide, minimum 72 dpi (300 dpi preferred). Limit 9 images per submission.
Example: Mamalas, Mothers Only Two
Personal Stories/Creative Writing: Submit your short stories, poetry or creative essays. Limit: 300 to 1500 words. Please include an image for visual interest and a minimum 100-word image description.
Example: How I Became a Loving Mother, The Hidden Side of Motherhood
Journalism/Activism Articles: Submit original articles, essays or non-fiction writing about the issues that matter to you and the work you are doing to change the world. Limit: 300 to 1500 words. Please include an image for visual interest and a 100-word description.
Example: How Mothers Can Change the World, C'mon Mom, Vote!
Music/Audio: Submit your music videos, songs, spoken word or podcasts. Please include a minimum 100-word description. Upload .avi, .mp3, .aiff .aif or .wav files no more than 40MB each. Limit two videos per submission.
Example: Filho, Magnoumako
Photography: Submit your photojournalism and artistic photography. Please include a minimum 100-word description. Upload .jpg, .gif or .bmp files sized at 600 pixels wide and a minimum of 72 dpi (300 dpi preferred). Limit 10 images per submission.
Example: Birth in Timore Leste, Next of Kin
Video/Animation: Submit your video, film, trailers or animation. Please include a minimum 100-word description. Upload .mov, .avi, .mp4, .aiff, .aif or .wav files no more than 40MB each. Limit two videos per submission. Video length must be less than 10 min. in length; if a trailer or excerpt from longer piece, give information on how to view longer or complete version.
Example: The Stork, Lullaby
Here are just a few ways to increase your chances of being selected for inclusion in the exhibition:
- SUBMIT EARLY: Don't wait until the last minute! Earlier submissions will have a greater chance of being selected.
- DO YOUR BEST: Make your contribution look as good as possible. Edit and review to make sure it's complete. If submitting text, include an image for visual interest. If submitting visuals, include a detailed description of each image, video, or artwork.
- TELL THE WHOLE STORY: Provide context and background for your work. For example, if submitting artwork, share information about your methods and/or sources of inspiration. For photographs, tell us where, when, and why you took them.
- BE EASY TO REACH:Make it easy for us to contact you. Register for the IMOW community with an email address that you check frequently and include your email address in your submission.
- GET PERSONAL: Tell us about yourself by building a complete community profile including a picture and short bio.
A few more guidelines to keep in mind:
- You must be registered with the IMOW online community to submit work
- Submissions must be your own original work
- All languages are welcome
- Multiple submissions are accepted
- Previously published work will be considered as long as the author retains the copyright
All submissions will be reviewed by the IMOW team. Submissions may be edited and/or formatted for inclusion in Your Voices: On Motherhood.
If approved, submissions will be posted to the IMOW website and included in our RSS Story Feed. Once approved, submissions are not available for editing and become the property of the International Museum of Women. Please review our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for details.