PUB: Anthology—Changes In Life

Welcome to Changes In Life

You are invited too submit to an Inspirational Anthology: The Woman I've Become

Seeking women of all ages who have experienced challenging, negative, toxic and/or abusive relationships in the past and have overcome these situations to become the woman she was meant to be. Were you raised in an overly restrictive, negative, disempowering or abusive family? Did you find yourself in a challenging or toxic relationship with men, friends, co-workers or your children? How did those relationships define the "earlier you"? What was the turning point? Was there some person(s) or event(s) that facilitated your beginning and/or continuing on this journey to greater self understanding and self definition? Who is the woman you've become?

  • Critria for Submission
  • Name, age, email address, phone number (optional), mailing address, title of your submission on and a short bio on a title page; your name on all other pages
  • No actual name will be used-->
  • Minimum of 500 words; Maximum of 1,000 words
  • Double spaced
  • Submissions should be sent as an email attachment to
  • Submission dead-line is September 30, 2010
  • If you are unable to use attachments, you can either include the submission in the body of the email or snail mail it to:
    • Changes In LIfe, Anthology
    • 305 Anne Ct
    • Prospect Heights, IL 60070
  • If your submission is accepted you will receive a copy of the anthology once it is published
  • * If you are interested in joining an ongoing larger community of women sharing their experiences, log on to