PUB: Aquarius Press - Reverie

Aquarius Press is currently accepting general submissions until September 1 for the 2011 annual issue of Reverie. In addition, we will dedicate a section of the issue to works addressing the following theme: Revisiting Injustice. We are looking for works that revisit sociopolitical issues affecting the African American community often overlooked or minimally covered by national media outlets. In your cover letter, please clearly note any works submitted for this themed section.

Reverie is an annual publication devoted to featuring great literature and is open to African Americans with “ties” to the Midwest. Reverie will appear in print and online editions. We are a literary journal that publishes poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction. We will also accept book reviews as well. We currently pay in one print contributor’s copy of the journal. Writers selected for inclusion will be featured on our website.

For the upcoming issue “Revisiting Injustice,” we will consider essays, personal accounts and/or testimonies as well, but they must be objective and in the creative nonfiction style.

Writer’s Guidelines for Reverie:

Submit in standard manuscript format with a word count not to exceed 50 lines (poetry) and/or 3,000 words (Fiction/Nonfiction). For prose, please use single spacing after punctuation with tabs/indents at .3”; for poetry, make the total width no wider than 4.5”. No more than three poems. No urban crime fiction or erotica, please. Simultaneous submissions okay, but submit all necessary credits. Contributors get one online proof before printing (but no major changes allowed). Publisher reserves the right to make light edits as necessary and to use excerpts for marketing purposes.

Email reverie.journal@gmail.comand type “Reverie” in the subject line and attach submission and 50-word bio in Microsoft Word or Rich-text format (rtf). Reverie only accepts submissions by email. If you have any questions please email the editors at
