PUB: Arktoi Books: How to Submit Work for Consideration


Arktoi welcomes submissions from all lesbian authors. Basic guidelines are below, but make sure to check the website prior to your submission in case we have modified our guidelines.

  • Submissions sent at times other than our submission period (see schedule to right) will be returned unread.

  • Poetry manuscripts should be between 50 and 80 pages.

  • Fiction and nonfiction manuscripts may be of any length.

  • All manuscripts should be submitted as an attachment to an email (Microsoft Word .doc file or Adobe .pdf file).

  • The cover page of the manuscript should include the name, address, phone number, and email address of the writer.

  • A cover letter, sent via email with a poetry manuscript (and hardcopy with fiction or nonfiction manuscript), should present a short biographical statement by the writer and and overview of the work.

Manuscripts should be sent to, as should inquires about the press.


  • 2012 (Aug - Nov): poetry
  • 2012 (Jan - Mar): fiction
  • 2013 (Aug - Nov): poetry
  • 2014 (Jan - Mar): nonfiction