PUB: Artist in Residency Programme > Africa Centre

Artist in Residency Programme (AIR)

Connecting Africa’s artists to residencies around the world.


The Africa Centre, together with artist in residency programmes in Australia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Finland, Netherlands, Turkey and the United States of America have partnered to launch a new Artist in Residency Programme (AIR).  The programme has been conceived to support artists from Africa who are provocative, innovative, relevant and highly engaged with both social issues and their art forms. 

AIR manifests through existing artist-in-residency partnerships around the world that are prepared to select an artist from a short list provided by the Africa Centre, created from a Continental search, for one of their 2011 or 2012 residencies. The costs of the residency and roundtrip airfare are included in each residency award made as part of this programme.

Each of the eight residencies on offer have different durations, structures and requirements. We are taking applications between 1 April and 1 June 2011.  To apply or to find out more about the eight residency programmes, please Click here. If you have any queries please email


Artist in Residency Application Methods

  1. Online Application Form: Click here to apply online
  2. E-mail Application: If you would rather use e-mail, download the application formand then send your application directly to our project manager Robin Please do not send attachments larger than 5MB. Please be sure to add your full name and contact details in the email message field.

    If your attachment is larger than 5MB, you can upload it using This is a free service that will allow you to upload your file directly to us. To upload a file, fill in the fields under the green text, "Send a File". Please be sure to add your full name and contact details in the YouSendIt message field. The email address for delivery is:
  3. Submitting via Post: If you cannot use any of the above methods, you are always welcome to post your application directly to us. Click here to download the application form. Be sure to include an e-mail address and phone number where we can contact you.

    Postal Address:


Shortlist and Award Process

The Africa Centre will select three candidates for each of the 8 residency awards on offer from the applications received. These shortlisted candidates will be forwarded to our various Residency Partners; it is from these lists that they will select the 7 artists to be granted the Artist in Residency Awards. 
The Africa Centre will announce the recipients of the Artist in Residency programme on the 1 July 2011. If you have any questions, please direct them to Robin Jutzen at the email address above or on +27 21 422 0468.


Participating Residency Programmes

Bundanon Trust

The Bundanon property is located on 1,100 hectares of pristine bush land overlooking the Shoalhaven River, near Nowra in New South Wales, two and a half hours south of Sydney. Bundanon Trust supports arts practice and understanding of the arts through its residency, education, exhibition and performance programs.  In preserving the natural and cultural heritage of its site Bundanon promotes the value of landscape in all our lives. 

The Bundanon Trust Artist in Residence program is open to professional artists and groups, from all disciplines. The program supports artists’ new work, research and collaborations.

For more information go to

Instituto Sacatar

The INSTITUTO SACATAR operates a residency program for creative individuals in all disciplines at its estate on the Island of Itaparica in the Bay of All Saints, across from the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

The purpose of the Instituto Sacatar is to:
  • Provide artists a place to live and create;
  • Generate opportunities for artists to interact and collaborate with the local and regional community;
  • Enhance the visibility and cultural impact of the host city and nation; and  
  • Encourage art that returns us to where art began — to a wordless silence before all of creation.

The culture of Bahia, Brazil (its dance, music, religion and food) is strongly influenced by the cultures brought to Brazil from Africa by the slaves who worked the sugar cane plantations from the 17th through the 19th centuries. We encourage artists to engage in the powerful local culture in whatever way suits the artist's interests and working methods.  We assist artists in making appropriate contacts, locating collaborators and/or students for workshops.

For more information go to

Zoma Contemporary Art Centre

ZCAC (Zoma Contemporary Art Center) is an eco-sensitive and educational artist-in-residence village. Named after Zoma Shifferaw, a young Ethiopian contemporary artist who died of cancer in 1979, ZCAC is located in two major cities in Ethiopia. ZCAC Addis is in a house made by Elias Sime in Addis Ababa, and ZCAC Harla is in Harla, a small historic village east of Dire Dawa. ZCAC is run like a family where the surrounding community is an extension of the center.

ZCAC residence programs includes an Architectural Residency, a Landscape Residency, a Village Art Residency and a Documentation Residency. At the end of each residency, the artists' work will be exhibited in two different venues, one in Dire Dawa and the other in Addis Abeba. The exhibition can include photographs, sketches, video installations, actual art pieces made in ZCAC or anything else the artist wishes to show.

For more information go to | Download the PDF containing the residency information.

Instituto Sacatar

KulttuuriKauppila is the manifestation of the dreams of three artists.  It offers artists’ studios, an international Artist-in-Residence programme, exhibitions, art education programmes, children's cultural activities and community art. KulttuuriKauppila also organizes the ART Ii Biennale of Northern Environmental and Sculpture Art.  Located in Finland, on the Iijoki riverbank in a town of Ii with 9000 inhabitants, close to the Arctic Circle, it offers its guest artists a tailored residency program with a private studio and living premises.

The residency is offered for 2 months during May-June 2012 during the Midsummer, when the sun does not set. The residency program includes participating in the ART Ii Biennale of Northern Environmental and Sculpture Art. Assistants, equipment, material, machines and compensation for the work are offered.

For more information go to


Caravansarai is an independent art production space and meeting point for creators in Istanbul, Turkey. Just as the historical caravansarais hosted camel caravans along the Silk Road, we invite creative people - with or without camels - from around the globe for collaboration, experimentation, research and exchange. Our building is home to workshops, investigation, public and private events, collaborations and an artist-in-residence program. As experienced producers of cultural and artistic projects, we are able to present a myriad of services; project and event management, art production and artist management. 

For more information go to


Thamgidi is a private foundation that gives grants for artists in residency exchange and collects contemporary art from Africa. It was initiated in 2003 as an educational program and was registered as a non for profit organization in 2006. The office is situated in the eastern region of the Netherlands. The focus is on promoting diverse and mutual artists exchange in order to create a continuous flow of new influences and at the same time contribute to fruitful exchange based on sharing of knowledge and exchanging of ideas. The selected artists can be in residence for a period of one to three months, depending on the proposed project. The artist in residency is a time out period that artists can use the space to reflect and focus on their creative process. During the residency guest artists' work individually or in an artist community depending on the proposed project and duration of residency. Depending on the length and purpose of stay, the residency can end with an exhibition, or debate.

The Thamdigi Foundation Residency provides a fully furnished apartment in Arnhem, guest studio, bicycle, health insurance, cash for some material costs, and exhibition (optional)/guest artist presentation or debate. The duration of the residency is for one month and will take in 2012.

For more information visit |

18th Street

18th Street is a community, which values art and creativity as an essential component of a vibrant, just and healthy society. Its mission is to provoke public dialogue through contemporary art making.

In its curatorial decision-making process, 18th Street seeks artists who demonstrate social consciousness and spiritual awareness in a well-developed art making practice.  They emphasize artists who are emerging to mid-career in their development, and who manifest a wide spectrum of approaches to contemporary ideas. They seek to select artists who represent culturally diverse populations.

Now in its 15th year, the  program has hosted over 200 residencies in partnership with the countries of Australia, Cameroon, China, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Serbia, South Korea, Sudan, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom and South Africa.

The 18th Street Artist in Residency program is based in Los Angeles, USA and provides living and studio space to artists; access to office and audio/visual equipment, and meeting space, event posting service to the internet, full representation on the website, and fiscal receiver services. The residency will be held in 2012.

For more information visit,

THe WITS School of Arts

The Substation Residency: Dislocating the Studio is a pilot project set up by the Witwatersrand University Division of Fine Arts in Johannesburg, South Africa, that is structured as a challenge to the space of the studio.

The artist’s studio or Atelier in its modernist incarnation is a pseudo sacred place where rarefied art objects are produced. Implicit in this configuration is a hierarchical, elitist and commodity driven view of the fine arts. Objects within the studio are open to manipulation, they are transitory and in process of becoming. Once the object leaves the studio however, it becomes fixed as Artwork. This standard operation of the studio and artwork is one that has increasingly been challenged and rearranged as artistic practice becomes less tied to object production and more orientated to processes of temporality and relational encounters. The studio is not simply an atelier but can look more like a library, a playground, a meeting point, a laboratory or even a research facility.

This pilot residency project aims to push against ideas of the studio. Artists, theorists, curators, filmmakers, activists or performers are invited to rethink, to re-imagine the studio in a real time engagement with the Substation Project Space and the audiences that visit it.

The Substation Residency opportunity on offer will run for a month between the 1 August 2010 to the 7 November 2010. The exact dates will be formalised with the artist chosen to participate in the residency. 
The following items will be provided to the artist participating in the residency: Accommodation; an artist fee; and a per diem. Budget for the production of the work will be drawn up in discussion with the art practitioner.

Photographs of the Substation Residency Studio Space: