PUB: Ascent Aspirations Anthology - Poetry/Flash Fiction Contest

Ascent Aspirations Publishing

Ascent Aspirations Spring 2012 Anthology

Poetry/Flash Fiction Contest

The anthology will be published by April 2012.

We have decided to create one anthology a year in the spring. For 2011 our theme was The Celebration of Work and that anthology can be purchased now. Email GO TO Close to Quitting Time

This year's contest with a publication date of April 2012 is now open for submissions.



Our theme is DISORDERS. These disorders can be for example alcohol/substance abuse, anxiety, bipolar, depression, eating disorders, OCD, PTSD, schizophrenia, disociative disorders, sexual disorders, sleep disorders and on and on. We are looking for poetry and flash fiction that touches on this theme in any way and comments on the human condition. The writer can interpret the theme very broadly and come at it from whatever direction he or she wishes.





Contest closing date is November 10th, 2011 (Cover Art Tentative)

The anthology (ISBN) will be judged and compiled for the spring of 2012. Email


The publication will be a perfect-bound book (ISBN rather than ISSN) with a colour art designed cover.

First Prize for Poetry - $100 (CND) & 1 copy of the anthology

First Prize for Flash Fiction - $100 (CND) & 1 copy of the anthology

Second Prize for Poetry - $50 (CND) & 1 copy of the anthology

Second Prize for Flash Fiction - $50 (CND) & 1 copy of the anthology

Third Prize for Poetry - $25 (CND) & 1 copy of the anthology

Third Prize for Flash Fiction - $25 (CND) & 1 copy of the anthology

Plus 6 - $10 (CND) honourable mention awards with 1 copy of the anthology

Plus all additional contributors in the collection will receive one copy of the anthology.

The goal is for the contest to generate the costs for publishing the anthology. If the entry fees and sales of the anthology exceed the costs, then the additional money will be used to fund future print anthologies with prize money being more widely distributed among all the authors who appear in the anthology.

Rules & Guidelines:

The anthology will contain poetry and flash fiction.  

Poems and flash fiction can be published elsewhere as long as the author holds the copyright or unpublished and not sent elsewhere. Submit your poem(s)/flash fiction with a brief bio,
by e-mail to

In the subject heading say Spring 2012 Disorders Anthology.

By mail with your contest fee include a cover page with the poem(s)/flash fiction title(s) and the first line beside each title, your name, address, phone number and e-mail. IN ADDITION ALSO INCLUDE EACH POEM/FLASH FICTION ON A SEPARATE PAGE WITHOUT YOUR NAME. We will be using the printed copies of your poems for judging and the electronic copies sent by email for the designing of the book pages should you be included in the anthology.

 Maximum length of each poem is 60 lines and spaces between the stanzas count as lines. The maximum length for flash fiction is 800 words.

Contest Fee: $5 for one poem or 3 poems for $10. $10 for each piece of flash fiction. You can send as many poems/flash fiction pieces as you wish.

Send your entry information, and POEMS/FLASH FICTION with payment to:

either David Fraser, or Ascent Aspirations Publishing

1560 Arbutus Drive

Nanoose Bay, BC

V9P 9C8

Please do not send a SASE as in the past, as we will be publishing the winners' list on the web and will notify everyone.

All submissions will remain the copyright of the author.

*Additional copies of the perfect-bound anthology will be available at time of publication.

Retail Prices without shipping costs $18.95 CND/18.95 US

 The prices of additional copies including shipping and handling are as follows:

In Canada and USA ($19.95 CND and 22.95 US)

To Other International Destinations ($24.95 US)

Advanced Ordering of the Spring 2012 Issue can be done by email.

Pricing at this point is an estimate based on current postal rates and may be subject to slight changes without notice when advanced ordering is announced.

Help make the Spring 2012 Anthology a successful not-for–profit venture.

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