A Celebration of Reading and Writing
ON THE SAME PAGE 2011, Ashe County's Literary Festival, will take place over four days in September. During the festival, the Ashe County Public Library and the Ashe County Arts Council will present twelve events in and around West Jefferson, North Carolina. More than a month of related events, including the 2011 Community Read, will precede and follow the festival proper.Most festival events are free and open to the public; a few require tickets and/or advance registration, and fewer still carry an admission charge. Check out our 2011 schedule (About the Festival) with a great line-up of authors including Georgann Eubanks, Sharyn McCrumb, Jaki Shelton Green, Mark de Castrique, Michael Malone, Wayne Caldwell, Dr. Allen Paul Speer and more.
Click here for a video clip of our Festival from Public Television's North Carolina Weekend..
An exciting new feature of the festival this is is Writer's Competition. Entries will be welcomed in the categories of Poetry, Fiction and Non-Fiction. Click here for the guidelines and more information about how to enter, the Page Crafter's prizes and much more.
The focus of this year's festival is "Family Matters". Authors were selected who embrace the role of family as their inspiration and in their writing. Questions and discussions at the 2011 festival will center on the role of family in their writing. See About the Festival for more on this year's theme.Ashe County is located in the High Country of northwestern North Carolina. West Jefferson is the largest town in Ashe County. If you are traveling from elsewhere for ON THE SAME PAGE, you may want to check out these local websites for information, including lodging, restaurants, and other things to do while you are here.
For more information or to reserve tickets, call 336.846-ARTS or e-mail jane@AsheCountyArts.org.