PUB: Astounding Beauty Ruffian Press Poetry Award

Astounding Beauty Ruffian Press 2011 Poetry Award


for a chapbook-length manuscript


May 1 - August 31, 2011 (postmark date)


The award is $10,000 and publication by Astounding Beauty Ruffian Press.



Please submit:


10 - 20 pages of original poetry not already published, or committed to be published, as a collection   


by a single author


English only, no translations


no more than one poem per page (however, a single poem may be longer than one page), typed in 12 pt. plain font


no artwork


include a table of contents


please number pages


one title page with poet's name, address, telephone number, email, and title of
manuscript and a second title page with title only


biographical page (ONLY because we are interested in you as a person)


acknowledgements page


$20 entry fee, checks made payable to Astounding Beauty Ruffian Press and drawn on a U.S. bank - if you live outside the United States, please send the entry fee in the form of a cashier's check or money order


absolutely no paper clips, spring clips, staples, plastic covers, or folders -
we would rather not have to bother with these things, so don't waste your


Do not include a SASE - winner will be announced on our website in the fall of 2011.


Manuscripts will be recycled.


Send by regular, first-class mail only:


Astounding Beauty Ruffian Press
Poetry Award
2155 Elk Creek Rd.
Stuart, Virginia  24171