Awel Aman Tawe Poetry Competition
on ‘Climate Change’
for adults and children
“Climate change is what everyone needs to be focusing on.”
Carol Ann Duffy
Carol Ann Duffy (English Entries)
Elin ap Hywel (Welsh Entries)
Adult prizes: for each language
1st £500, 2nd £100, 3rd £50
Children’s prizes for each language:
1st £50, 2nd £30, 3rd £20
Closing date: 31st March 2012
To enter:
You may submit as many poems as you like as long as your entry is accompanied by the correct fee.
Adults: £3 per poem or 4 for £10
Children: £1 per poem or 4 for £3
All poems submitted must be original work of the entrant. They cannot be returned so please don’t send your only copy. Each poem should be no more than 40 lines on any aspect of the theme of Climate Change. It must be typewritten. Please don’t put your name or address on the poems. Instead, you should put your name, contact details and titles of all poems submitted on an accompanying piece of paper.
Copyright of each poem remains with the author, but Awel Aman Tawe has the unrestricted right to publish the winning poems.
Enter by post: you can download an entry form (word document) here
or just send your poems, accompanying details and a cheque to
Awel Aman Tawe Poetry Competition
76-78 Heol Gwilym
Enter online: pay via paypal.
The closing date is 31st March 2012. Prize winners will be notified by June 2012.
A prize-giving evening will take place on 8th June 2012 7.30pm at Pontardawe Arts Centre.
Copyright of each poem remains with the author, but Awel Aman Tawe has the unrestricted right to publish the winning poems in an anthology, on its website, and on related material for PR purposes.
Awel Aman Tawe is a community energy charity (charity no: 1114492 ) committed to tackling climate change.