PUB: - Call for Submissions

Call for Submissions

She Sex

Bamboo Talk Press invites submissions in the genre of poetry, short-stories, art and photography for their 1st anthology ‘She Sex' which examines Caribbean women’s views on sexuality as it pertains to religion, race, age, family, culture and sexual orientation. How many of the choices we make are for us, how many are predetermined by tradition and society. Women Talk your Talk. What inspires you to be who you are, what edits you?


Submission Guidelines

Poetry & Short Stories
Please send no more than 3 poems
Short Stories must be no less than 200 words and no more than 1000 words. 

Photography & Art
Please send a maximum of 3 photographs or 3 art pieces
Please send as a 72 dpi image
Please send as tiff or jpg attachments

Authors and artists will retain the copyright of their work. With your submission you are giving Bamboo Talk Press one time only permission to publish your work.

We look forward to your submissions. At this time we are unable to pay contributors, but all contributors will receive a copy of the anthology.



Contact Us


Send all submissions and queries to 