PUB: Barely South Review » The Norton Girault Literary Prize

The Norton Girault Literary Prize


Old Dominion University

The MFA Creative Writing Program and Barely South Review

are pleased to announce

The Norton Girault Literary Prize

Inaugural 2012 Competition is now open

(annual prize will alternate among Fiction, Poetry, and Nonfiction genres)

The Norton Girault Literary Prize will be offered in 2012 for FICTION– one prize will go to a single short story up to 25 pages (double-spaced).  The winning story will receive $1,000 and publication in Barely South Review. One honorable mention will also be selected for publication.

The Norton Girault Literary Prize is named after Norton Girault

and we are delighted to announce the

Judge for the 2012 Norton Girault Literary Prize in Fiction:


Cristina García

Cristina García is an award-winning novelist, and the author of five novels: Dreaming in Cuban, The Agüero Sisters, Monkey Hunting, A Handbook to Luck, and The Lady Matador’s Hotel, recently published by Scribner. García has edited two anthologies, Cubanísimo: The Vintage Book of Contemporary Cuban Literature and Bordering Fires: The Vintage Book of Contemporary Mexican and Chicano/a Literature. Two works for young readers, The Dog Who Loved the Moon, and I Wanna Be Your Shoebox were published in 2008. A collection of poetry, The Lesser Tragedy of Death, was published in 2010. Her newest work, Dreams of Significant Girls, is a young adult novel set in a Swiss boarding school in the 1970s.

García’s work has been nominated for a National Book Award and translated into fourteen languages. She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Whiting Writers’ Award, a Hodder Fellowship at Princeton University, and an NEA grant, among others. Recently, Garcia was a Visiting Professor at the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas-Austin and teaches at Texas Tech University most spring semesters. This past fall, Garcia was a Visiting Professor at the University of Miami and will serve as University Chair in Creative Writing at Texas State University-San Marcos from 2012-14.


Competition Rules and Requirements:

  • Entries may be sent by mail or electronically.

By Mail: Send entries with official entry form and entry fee to Luisa A. Igloria, Director of the MFA Creative Writing Program, BAL 5000, English Department, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529 (please mark envelope “Norton Girault Literary Prize”);

Electronic Submission: Send entries through Barely South Review’s page on Submittable
The prize competition is open to all writers who write in English, except MFA Creative Writing students at Old Dominion University. No translated works will be accepted.

All submissions must be original and previously unpublished (print, blog, or web publications included).

Format and Manuscript Length: A clean, typewritten or computer-processed (12 point font, double-spaced, one inch margins all around) copy of the entry must be submitted. Entry must be paginated, and have one (1) title page with no identifying author information. Each entry must not exceed 25 pages in length.

No author identification must appear on any of the pages of the manuscript entry.

Each entry must be accompanied by a completed and signed Official Entry Form. Entries submitted without this Form will be disqualified.

Entrants may submit more than one story to the competition, as long as an entry fee of $25 accompanies each individual submission.

Reading fee: $25.00; If you are mailing in your entry, submit with a check or money order for $25 (US dollars), made out to OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY; on the memo line, please write “Barely South Review/Literary Prize 2012”.

Optional: SASE for contest results.

Manuscripts will not be returned; they will be recycled.

Electronic Submission AND Postmark deadline:  29 February, 2012; results announced around the end of April 2012.
In the event that the judge does not deem any submissions worthy of the prize, Barely South Review reserves the right to extend the call for manuscripts or to cancel the award in a given year.