There are no application forms, fees, or any other restrictions for submissions, nominations, or recommendations to the panel. The book is what matters, not the procedure. The only requirement is that two copies of the book must be mailed to the Before Columbus Foundation by December 31st for consideration for the following year's Awards. Anyone may make a submission (it does not have to be the publisher). There is no limit on the number of titles that may be submitted. All genres are accepted (including anthologies, children's books, and multimedia). You may include reviews, publicity, or other informational material with your submission if you wish.
Prepublication copies are accepted. Reprintings or new editions of lost classics are also welcome. The overriding principle is that there shall be no exclusions except time constraints (leeway is even available on deadline postmark dates, with prior approval). Submissions cannot be returned and acknowledgement is by SASE request only. For more information, please call.
American Book Awards
Before Columbus Foundation
The Raymond House
655-13th Street, Suite 302
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 268-9775