PUB: Bellday Books Poetry Contest


$2,000 PRIZE


Submission Deadline: March 15, 2010

Lucia Perillo has published five books of poetry, including Dangerous Life (1989), The Body Mutinies (1996), The Oldest Map with the Name America (1999), Luck is Luck (2005) and Inseminating the Elephant (2009). She has also published one book of essays, I’ve Heard the Vultures Singing (2005). She has taught at four universities and was awarded a MacArthur Foundation fellowship.

Bellday Books will publish the winning book and award $2,000 and 25 copies of the book to the winning author.

Contest Rules:


  • Submit a manuscript of 60-90 pages of original poetry in any style in English. The manuscript must not have been published in book or chapbook, but may contain poems that have appeared in print or on the Internet. Entries may consist of individual poems, a book-length poem or any combination of long or short poems.


  • Submitted manuscript must contain 2 title pages: Name and contact information should appear on first title page only. Name should not appear anywhere else in the manuscript. Include a table of contents page, but do not send an acknowledgements page.


  • Manuscript must be typed single-spaced, paginated and bound with a spring clip.
  • Enclose an SASE for announcement of the winner. Manuscript cannot be returned.


  • Postmark deadline: March 15, 2010.


  • Include a check or money order for $25 reading fee, payable to BELLDAY BOOKS.


  • Bellday Books reserves the right not to select an award winner, in which case all reading fees will be refunded.

Bellday Books, Inc.
P.O. Box 3687
Pittsburgh, PA 15230

Questions may be directed to:


Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Does the poet retain full rights?
    The poet retains full rights, but there must be an acknowledgement or citation of the book at each subsequent printing or printed use.


  2. Will Bellday publish submitted poetry in any instance but the winner?
    Bellday may (or may not) approach poets who submitted other manuscripts and negotiate for publication of their manuscripts.


  3. What will be done with rejected manuscripts?
    Manuscript paper will be recycled, as with virtually all other competitions.


  4. Would you consider a manuscript co-authored by two poets?
    We will accept a manuscript in which two poets wrote the poems together. If it's merely two poets putting a book out together, the manuscript is not eligible for the award.


  5. Is it okay if some of the poems were already published in a chapbook?
    As long as they are not the only poems in the book. The book can not just be a reprint of a chapbook.
  1. Is the contest only open to U.S. citizens?
    The only stipulation is that the poetry be in English. Anyone can enter.
  2. Who are the prescreening judges?
    There will be 5-8 preliminary screeners from around the country, all of whom are writers, students or otherwise involved with literature.


  3. Is it a one-time or ongoing award?
    It is an annual award.


  4. What kind of poetry do you want?
    Good poetry of any style on any subject will be considered. Lucia Perillo will make the final selection.


  5. Are you posting an announcement anywhere?
    We are posting announcements in the January-February issues of both Poets & Writers and American Poetry Review.


  6. When do you plan to announce winners?
    We hope to announce the winner by July 14, 2010.