Piousbox joint Computational Arts Corp. announces
Best Travel Story Contest I 2011This contest promotes cross-cultural understanding, international forum and life-long traveling. The way people travel now-a-days is subject to several options: the travel for work, travel for study (semester abroad, exchange student, travel for an academic event), and travel for entertainment (travel to see a concert, save up and travel a lot). There is also rigorous anthropological work, Peace Corp, and other projects that make traveling an integral part of doing business with them. This contest is meant to promote travel as a lifestyle: open people's minds to the possibility of a life-long travel, where there is little difference between leisure and work, where the work environment is distributed (multinational, virtual) and where party, the entertainment that people seek, is disjoint to having to be at any particular location. Long live travel!
The contest is open for all qualifying entrants (see Terms and Conditions). Submission deadlines and other important bureaucratic information is available on the Contest Guidelines page.
Submission guidelines
In order to be eligible for winning this contest, you must follow the following rules and guidelines.
- One entry per participant. A participant may not submit more than one entry per contest period per contest category.
Entry Fee
This contest is free to enter ($0).
Dates & Deadlines
- The deadline to enter the contest is May 30th, 2011.
- The winners are announced June 15th, 2011.
- The winner (1st place) receives $100 and publication.
- The runner-up (2nd place) receives $50 and possible publication.
- All other contestants may receive publication at the judges' sole discretion.
See also Terms and Conditions