PUB: binghamton poetry book contest for poetry book by a poet over 40


Sponsored by the Binghamton Center for Writers-State University of New York 
with support from the Office of the Dean of Binghamton University's Harpur College of the Arts & Sciences

$1,000 Award for a book of poems, 48 pages or more in length, selected by our judges as the strongest collection of poems by a poet over 40 published in 2009.

Contest Rules:

  1. Minimum press run: 500 copies.
  2. Each book submitted must be accompanied by an application form.
  3. Publisher may submit more than one book for prize consideration.
  4. Three copies of each book should be sent to:
    • Maria Mazziotti Gillan, Director
      Creative Writing Program
      Binghamton University
      Department of English, General Literature, and Rhetoric
      Library North Room 1149
      Vestal Parkway East
      P.O.Box 6000
      Binghamton, NY13902-6000
  5. Books entered in the competition will be donated to the contemporary literature collection at the Binghamton University Library and to the Broome County Library.
  6. Books must be received in the English Department by March 1, 2010 to be considered for the prize.
  7. Books cannot be returned.
  8. For a list of winners, include a stamped, self-addressed envelope labeled:
    • “Binghamton University Poetry Book Award.”
  9. Winners will be announced in Poets & Writers.
Click here for an application.