The Frances Locke
Memorial Poetry Award
for 2010
Rich Ives
of Camano Island, WA
CONFIDENTIALComing up in 2010 will be our 14th annual competition for which there is a $1,000 cash award, publication in the Fall-2010 Award issue and 5 complimentary copies of that issue.
There is a reading fee of $10.00 for up to five (5) poems each of which should be no more than two (2) pages in length. Any additional poems are $2.00 each. All work should be typed or computer generated and legible. Include a short biography with your submission. Put your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address only in your cover letter and not on any of your submitted work.
Deadline for submissions must bear a postmark of no later than June 15th, 2010. No e-mail submissions will be allowed.
Include a SASE for notification of winning poem. Without the SASE, you can expect no response on our part, unless you live outside the United States and are eligible to be contacted by an e-mail response. No poems can be returned. Please do not send originals.
No previously published poems or simultaneous submissions.
Just send us your most imaginative work. Serious work that allows the language of your imagination to reveal an entirely new perception from your singular life. This life will be based on your own individual perception and never one that's been conditioned into your sense of reality by conventional wisdom or sentimentality.
Those familiar with The Bitter Oleander already know the poetry we publish. If you are unfamiliar and want to be a more certain and informed participant in this competition, please consider purchasing a recent issue for $10.00 (U.S. Funds).
Any other related questions concerning this Award may be forwarded to us by e-mail:
info@bitteroleander.comSend entries to:
Frances Locke Memorial Poetry Award - 2010The Bitter Oleander Press
4983 Tall Oaks Drive
Fayetteville, New York 13066-9776