PUB: Black Letter Media's 13th Flash Fiction Contest (South Africa) > Writers Afrika

Black Letter Media's

13th Flash Fiction Contest

(South Africa)

Black Letter Media is still looking for your spooky, scary stories inspired by the Friday the 13th urban legend. This can be a true story, a ghost story, a vampire story or whatever fills your imagination. There are only three rules:
  • Spook us, scare us, unsettle us, give us the chills.

  • 55-words maximum (on twitter number the sequence of posts) - use Word to check your word count please.

  • Post on twitter with the hashtag "#Fri13FlashFiction" or on our Facebook Page.

Prizes: There will book prizes for writers and readers. Announcements to follow.

Inspiration and some help: Flash Craft, 13 of the scariest stories ever told


For queries:
