PUB: BOMB Magazine: BOMB Magazine's 2011 Fiction Contest

BOMB Magazine's

2011 Fiction Contest

We are now accepting online submissions. Click here to upload your story and pay the reading fee (to pay online but submit by mail, scroll to the very bottom of this page). All submissions read anonymously.



BOMB is excited to announce its 5th Fiction Contest, judged by novelist and essayist Rivka Galchen!

Deadline April 16 (Postmarked by April 16th). The winner of our 2011 contest will receive a $500 prize and publication in BOMB Magazine’s literary supplement First Proof.

Founded in 1981, BOMB has championed and encouraged the literary efforts of both established and emerging writers for more than a quarter-century, with a contributing editorial board that boasts contemporary giants such as A.M. Homes, Patrick McGrath, Amy Hempel, and Jonathan Lethem, all whom have generously judged our last four fiction contests.


All submissions will be read anonymously.


Fiction Contest Submission Guidelines

• Winner receives $500 and publication in BOMB Magazine
• Final Judge: Rivka Galchen (author of Atmospheric Disturbances)
• Deadline: April 16, 2011
• Reading Fee: $20 — includes a free one-year subscription to BOMB (for Canadian addresses add $6, for addresses outside US and Canada, add $12); make all checks and money orders payable to BOMB Magazine.

We are now accepting online submissions. Click here to upload your story and pay the reading fee.

If you prefer to mail your entry but pay online please pay below. Note: if you choose to upload your submission you will also pay there, so you should not use the below to make payment.

• Manuscripts of one story maximum must be less than 20 pages (around 5,000 words regardless of single or double spacing).
• Include cover letter with name, address, email, phone number and title of story; do not write a name on the actual manuscript, as all entries will be considered anonymously.
• Simultaneous submissions OK, but reading fee is not refundable.
• Story must be previously unpublished.
• Multiple entries OK as long as you pay the reading fee for each story submitted, however only one subscription to BOMB will be given per entrant.
• Email generalinquiries (at) bombsite (dot) com with any questions.


Rivka Galchen is the author of Atmospheric Disturbances and was recently named one of The New Yorker’s “20 under 40” list. She has also has been featured in BOMB in conversation with Nathan Englander, and BOMB’s Summer 2007 First Proof.


Winners and runners-up will be announced on our website in July 2011; the winning story will be published in an upcoming issue of BOMB’s First Proof (Issue 117).


If you would prefer to mail in your submission, you can still pay online with PayPal here (as a result of PayPal fees the cost to you for paying with PayPal is slightly higher):

Select your location
I live in the United States – $20.88 I live in Canada – $27.05 I live outside of the United States and Canada – $33.23

Or with google checkout here:

I live in the United States – $20.00 I live in Canada – $26.00 I live outside of the U.S. and Canada – $32.00


Mail entries to:
BOMB Magazine
2011 Fiction Contest
80 Hanson Place, #703
Brooklyn, NY 11217

• If you pay online, please be sure to note your 15 digit Google Checkout Order # or your 17 digit PayPal Transaction ID on your cover letter, if the name on your PayPal account is different from the name of entrant, please also note name on PayPal account with Transaction ID number on your cover letter.