PUB: Boulevard poetry contest

Poetry Contest for Emerging Poets

We are happy to announce that the winner of the 2011 Poetry Contest for Emerging Poets is Hallie Rundle. Her winning group of three poems appear in the spring 2012 issue.

$1,000 and publication in Boulevard awarded for the winning group of three poems by a poet who has not yet published a book of poetry with a nationally distributed press.

The poems may be a sequence or unrelated.  All entries must be postmarked by June 1, 2012.  Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but previously accepted or published work is ineligible.  Entries will be judged by the editors of Boulevard magazine.  No one editorially or financially affiliated with Boulevard can enter the contest.  Send typed manuscript(s) and SAS postcard for acknowledgment of receipt to:  Boulevard Emerging Poets Contest, PMB 325, 6614 Clayton Road, Richmond Heights, MO 63117.  No manuscripts will be returned.

Or, to submit electronically:

Entry fee is $15 per group of three poems, and $15 for each additional group of three poems.  Entry fee includes a one-year subscription to Boulevard (one per author).  Make check payable to Boulevard.

Author's name, address, and telephone number, in addition to the titles of the three poems, should appear on page one of your first poem.  

The winning poems will be published in the Fall 2012 or Spring 2013 issue of Boulevard.

All entries will be considered for publication and for payment at our regular rates.

These are the complete guidelines.