PUB: Bunchgrass Poetry Prize

Bunchgrass Poetry Prize

$500 and publication in basalt

Submit up to three unpublished poems (100 line limit for each), any subject, any style or form, postmarked between October 1 and December 31, 2011.


Author’s name must not appear on any manuscript page. Include a cover sheet with name, address, phone, email, and title(s) of poems submitted.

Submissions must be accompanied by a SASE for announcement of winners. Include a stamped postcard if you wish to be notified of receipt of ms. MSS will be recycled.

All manuscripts must be in 12 point font.

Writers may submit as often as they wish. We do accept simultaneous submissions as long as the author informs us immediately should a piece be accepted elsewhere.

There is a $10.00 nonrefundable reading fee per submission (three poems). Make checks payable to basalt.

No relatives of or employees of basalt and EOU are eligible for these prizes.

The winner of the Bunchgrass Poetry Prize will be announced on our webpage and published in the Spring issue 2011. All manuscripts will be considered for possible publication.

Winners will also be announced in the electronic media.

Judge will be announced at the time the winner is named.

Send submissions to:

basalt—Bunchgrass Poetry Prize
One University Blvd.
Eastern Oregon University
La Grande, OR 97850