2011 Burnside Review Poetry Chapbook Competition
Judge: Mary Syzbist
We are sponsoring our seventh annual poetry chapbook competition. Winner will receive twenty-five copies and a two hundred dollar cash prize. Competition runs March 15th to June 30th. Winner will be announced approximately September 1st, with publication date set for winter. The same dedication and care will go into the production of the chapbook as with our journal—quality original cover art, linen paper, excellent layout. We will make the publication process as cooperative as possible.
—18 to 26 pages of poetry. Individual poems may be previously published.
—2 cover sheets, one with the title of the manuscript, your name, telephone number, and address. The second cover sheet should list only the title of the manuscript.
—A page acknowledging previously published poems
—A self addressed stamped envelope
—Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please notify us if the manuscript is accepted elsewhere.IF BY POST: Include a self addressed stamped envelope and a check or money order for $15- made out to Burnside Review. Entry must be postmarked by June 30th to: Burnside Review Poetry Chapbook Contest, P.O. Box 1782, Portland OR 97207.
IF BY ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION: E-mail all of above a single Word file to contests@burnsidereview.org. Send $16- by Paypal to sid@burnsidereview.org. Fee and entry must be submitted within 24 hours of each other. Receipt of entry will be sent after both arrive. (This method will save money and trees.)The initial readers of the manuscripts will be Burnside Review staff members. They will choose between five and ten manuscripts as finalists to be passed on to the judge for selection of the winning collection.
We ask that former students or colleagues of the Burnside Review Chapbook Contest’s judge—as well as any writer whose relationship with the judge constitutes an unfair conflict of interest—refrain from entering the contest. The Burnside Review staff reserves the right to disqualify entries deemed conflicts of interest and will return those entry fees.
At no time will the judge have the names of the finalists.
Winner will receive 25 copies of the chapbook printed by Burnside Review Press and a cash prize of $200-.
Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please let us know if the manuscript has been placed elsewhere.
All questions happily answered by e-mail : sid@burnsidereview.org.
Mary Szybist is Assistant Professor of English at Lewis & Clark College, and received her MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She is the author of Granted (2003), a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. She recently received a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, and is one of two recipients of the 2009 Witter Bynner Award, selected by Poet Laureate Kay Ryan for the Library of Congress.