PUB: Calderdale Ted Hughes Writing Competition > Calderdale Council

Calderdale Ted Hughes Writing Competition


Calderdale Council and The Elmet Trust are pleased to present The Calderdale Ted Hughes Writing Competition 2012.

This incorporates the sixth Calderdale Short Story Competition as well as the Elmet Poetry Prize and the Ted Hughes Young Poets Award, both running for their fifth year.

The Calderdale Open Short Story Competition

Judges: Louise Doughty and Sarah Savitt.

  • First Prize: £300
  • Second Prize: £100
  • Runners Up: £50.

Stories must be no longer than 3000 words.

Each entry for the Short Story Competition should be accompanied by an entry form and a fee of £4.

The short story prizes will be awarded on Sunday 14 October at the Calderdale Word of Mouth Festival 2012.


The Elmet Poetry Prize

Theme – Stages

Judge: Kathleen Jamie.

  • First Prize: £300
  • Second Prize: £100
  • Runners Up: £50.

plus The Huddersfield University Yorkshire Prize will be for the best poem in the competition by a poet living in Yorkshire.

Poems should be no longer than 40 lines.

Each entry for the The Elmet Poetry Prize should be accompanied by an entry form and a fee of £4.

The prize for the poetry competition will be awarded on Friday 19 October at The Ted Hughes Festival 2012.


The Ted Hughes Young Poets Award

Theme - Stages

Judge: Andrew McMillan.

  • First Prize: £100
  • Runner Up: £50

in each of three age categories: 6 – 10 years, 11-14 years, 15-18 years.

Poems should be no longer than 40 lines.

Entry for the Ted Hughes Young Poets Award is free of charge, but each poem should be accompanied by an entry form.

The prize for the poetry competition will be awarded on Friday 19 October at The Ted Hughes Festival 2012.

Closing date for entries: Friday 6 July 2012.