Call for Book Chapters:
Africa and its Animals
Deadline: 31 March 2013
As societies grow closer together in an ever more globalized world, our awareness of environmental and socioeconomic concerns has vastly increased. As a result, missions and programs in African countries have worked to address deficiencies in human healthcare, education, and poverty, striving to provide a better life for millions of human beings.
Surprisingly little attention, however, has been given to the wellbeing of the countless non-human animals in their midst. Suffering from human cruelty, starvation, injury, and neglect, these animals interact with Africans every day, yet have been overlooked by those seeking to improve conditions on the continent. While our concern for humanity worldwide has expanded, our concern for the sufferings of animals has changed very little.
To directly address this lack of attention to a vital part of the African community, we propose an anthology that comprehensively analyzes the major ways in which non-human animals impact, are a part of and are affected by African societies. By understanding the social, cultural, and legal status of non-human animals in African societies and addressing issues such us, but not limited to, African philosophy, animal use in Africa, African wildlife, animal advocacy, religion, art and globalization, we can lay the foundation for addressing animal protection concerns on the continent. Far from being of secondary importance, animals are essential to the everyday lives of Africans, helping them to work and live out their daily existence. As cohabitants of the same environment, their wellbeing is essential to the health and improvement of human beings and vice versa. Therefore, those who work towards a better Africa must not only envision the greater prosperity of Africans, but also address the livelihood of animals as vital members of society.
- Chapter proposals (2-4 pages, double-spaced) due: March 31, 2013
- Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2013
- Chapters due: October 1, 2013
Most people, even those familiar with African society or culture, have a very human-centric view and understanding of Africa and its inhabitants. They hear of the human suffering, the abject poverty of her people, and the enormous health and environmental challenges her people face each day, but have little or no awareness of the existence of animals in their midst. Forgotten are the non-human cohabitants of this vast and majestic continent, their trials and tribulations, their daily challenges to survive under harsh conditions caused by human indifference and cruelty, and their vulnerability in the face of mother nature.
This book intends to correct this gap by accomplishing the following:
- Bringing light to the myriad ways in which non-human animals contribute to African society and showing their importance as members of this vast continent
- Exposing animals’ suffering at the hands of humans and explaining what is being done, and what needs to be done, to protect them
- Shifting the common view of animals as second-class members of our world to one which recognizes the symbiotic relationship between humans and non-humans, and explaining how this relationship is interwoven and embedded in African culture, philosophy, and art
- Creating a comprehensive source of information and inspiration for academics, students, policy makers, NGO workers and others dealing with, or interested in, animals in Africa
Possible themes and topics include, but are not be limited to:
Animals and Philosophy in Africa
Animals in African Law
- Animals in African Philosophy: How are animals viewed in indigenous African philosophical thought? What do contemporary African philosophers, and African sages, think about the moral status of non-human animals?
- African animal ethicists: Who are the most renowned animal ethicists in Africa? What are their views on how we ought to treat animals? What kinds of theories are they defending? What are their biographies?
- Animal ethics in higher education: Are there degree programs in Africa with a particular focus on animal ethics? Which African philosophy departments offer courses on animal ethics? Is animal ethics part of the ethics curriculum at African universities? How is animal ethics taught in Africa?
Animal Use in Africa
- Existing animal legislation in Africa: What is the status of non-human animals in African legislations? Which legislations do have animal welfare laws? Are there criminal provisions against animal cruelty?
- Current trends in African policy making concerning animals: Are there efforts to change existing legislation concerning animals? What are the perspectives for legal animal rights in Africa?
Environment and African Wildlife
- Traditional animal agriculture in Africa: What methods are traditionally employed for the slaughter of animals? How are animals in Africa traditionally raised and kept?
- Hunting and poaching in Africa: What is the history of hunting and poaching in Africa? How do African governments deal with poaching? To what extend is poaching a problem in which countries?
- The industrialization of the African food animal industry: How did the industrialization of the African food animal industry begin? Which countries already industrialized a significant part of their meat, egg and diary production? Which countries are next? What are the conditions in African factory farms like for the animals? Are there animal welfare standards for factory farming? Who is making sure these standards are met?
- Working animals in Africa: What kinds of animals are used for work in Africa? What kinds of work are animals doing? What is the history of working animals in Africa?
- Animal experimentation in Africa: Which African countries engage in animal research? What are current examples of animal experimentation in Africa? What is the history of animal experimentation in Africa? Is the trend towards using more or less animals in research?
- African zoos: What are the conditions like for animals in African zoos? What is the history of zoos in Africa?
- Economic aspects of animal use in Africa: To which extend do the livelihoods of African depend on what use of animals?
Animals and African Civil Society
- International and national conservation efforts: What strategies do international as well as national NGOs employ in their conservation efforts in Africa? What is the role of African governments in this?
- Wildlife management in Africa: How and to what extend do African governments regulate wildlife?
- The impact of factory farming on the environment: How does the rise of factory farming in Africa affect the environment?
- Human population growth, industry, environmental damage and African wildlife: How do human population growth, modernization and environmental damage affect wildlife in Africa?
Animals and Religion in Africa
- NGOs seeking to improve animal welfare in Africa: Which NGOs are there? What is their history? Are there notable differences between African NGOs and those from another continent?
- Public opinions towards animals: Is there any sociological data about public opinion towards animals in Africa? How frequently does the media address issues that relate to animals? Is there public concern over animal cruelty? Have there been significant public outcries over particular cases of animal cruelty?
Animals in African Society, Culture and Art
- Religious provisions concerning animals: What do the teachings of major religions in Africa, such as Christianity and Islam, say about how we ought to treat animals? What is the status of animals in traditional African religions?
- Religious animal sacrifice in Africa: How prevalent is animal sacrifice in Africa? In which contexts does it occur? Is there opposition to the practice among Africans? What is the history of animal sacrifice in Africa?
Africa's Animals in a Global Context
- The status of animals in traditional and contemporary African societies: What is the status of animals in traditional and modern African communities and families? How do Africans traditionally perceive their own humanity in comparison or contrast to the nature of other animals? Is caring for animals a Eurocentric phenomenon, or does it also exist in African culture? Did colonialism change the attitudes of Africans toward non-human animals? To what extent is masculinity associated with meat eating among Africa’s ethnic groups? Is there awareness in contemporary African societies about the interrelation between the food animal industry, environmental damage and food insecurity?
- Animals in African art: How does African art represent animals? Are there popular themes in African art that relate to animals? How is the relation of humans and other animals depicted in African art?
- Africans and companion animals: What is the history of pets in Africa? How prevalent is pet-keeping in which parts of Africa? What are common attitudes towards pets in Africa? How do African governments deal with stray pets?
- Animals and public health: What are the effects of zoonotic diseases on animal health and human health? How does the consumption of meat, eggs and dairy affect the health of Africans?
- African diets: What do people in which African communities traditionally eat? What is the status of meat in African diets? Are there prejudices against vegetarian and vegan diets? What is the history and current status of groups advocating vegetarian and vegan lifestyles in Africa?
Animal Rights vs. Human Rights
- Animal-related international policies and agreements: What international policies and agreements relating to animals are there? How do they affect animal well-being in Africa? What are the current trends in international policy-making concerning animals in Africa?
- Animals in a globalized economy: How does the global economy affect the well-being of animals in Africa? What are the current trends in land leasing? Which countries are affected in what way?
- Is animal rights a Western idea? Can the idea of animal rights be found in traditional African thought or is it essentially Western?
- Are animal rights possible in Africa? Is concern for animal rights a privileged concern or is it a concern for people of all socio-economic backgrounds? What are the prospects for animal rights in Africa? Are animal rights possible in communities that essentially depend on animal agriculture?
- Hunger and meat consumption: What is the relation between hunger, malnutrition and the consumption of meat?
Researchers, government workers, activists, religious scholars and others with expertise in matters that relate to animals in Africa are invited to submit on or before March 31, 2013, a 2-4 page chapter proposal (double-spaced) clearly explaining the mission and concerns of the proposed chapter. Proposals should be written in English. Authors will be notified by April 15, 2013 about the status of their proposals and, in case of acceptance, sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by October 1, 2013. All submitted chapters will be reviewed, and authors might be asked to revise and resubmit their chapters.
Your chapter proposal should be accompanied by a separate file containing your
professional biography (300-600 words) and your contact information (affiliation, address, telephone number, and e-mail address). Please also mention some key publications.Please submit your abstract, by March 31, 2013, and direct all questions to and When submitting your abstract, please include your surname and "Africa and Its Animals abstract" in the subject line of your e-mail message.
All proceeds of this book will be donated to the International Fund for Africa, a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing, alleviating, and abolishing suffering of human and non-human animals in Africa.
For queries/ submissions: and