Call for Book Manuscripts:
Queenex Publishers (Kenya)
We are looking for authors to submit manuscripts in the following areas: Entrepreneurship, Sales & Marketing, Personal Growth, Health, Inspirational, Biographies & Autobiographies, Guidance and Counseling, Relationship, Marriage and Family Life, IT and Life Skills books for pre-school and Primary school etc.
We are liberal publishers who appreciate originality and creativity. We welcome new ideas and manuscripts that address current and emerging needs of our society. If you have a manuscript and you feel it is addressing a specific need better than what is already in the market, come to us and you could be the next success story. We compete with excellence and uniqueness and that is why we don’t encourage duplication of what is already in the market.
The manuscript should be coherent and display mastery of language and knowledge of the subject matter in question. Ensure that the target group is clear and manifested in the choice of title, language, examples and illustrations.
You may submit your manuscript in soft copy but ensure it is followed by a hard copy. After submitting your manuscript an official acknowledgment note will be issued. Ensure that your postal address, telephone number and email address are clearly indicated on the script for easy communication.
After we receive your script, we will assess and decide on whether to publish it or not. If your script is accepted, we will discuss the terms of publishing contract, which may include one off payment, joint publishing, the traditional loyalty or any other method mutually agreed in writing.
In the event that we do not accept your manuscript, either because it does not meet our acceptance criteria, it cannot be fitted into our schedule, or we feel it has no commercial target group, we will return it to you, with advice on how it can be made better. If you work on it and meet the standard, you can resubmit it. However, the publisher reserves the right not to give reasons for rejection.
We are looking for authors to submit manuscript in the following areas: Entrepreneurship, Sales & Marketing, Personal Growth, Health, Inspirational, Biographies & Autobiographies Guidance and Counseling, Marriage and Family Life, Relationship, IT and Life Skills books for pre-school and Primary school and any other area that is unique and has a distinguished and viable target market.
We insist that the work must be original and never published before by any other major publisher.
For inquiries: