Call for Contributions:
Feminist Africa Journal Issue 17
Deadline: 30 April 2012Feminist Africa 17 will be on the feminist politics and practices of e-technologes and will be co-edited by Jan Moolman, Selina Mudavanhu and Jennifer Radloff. The issue will explore issues within political activism which draws upon the multiple options of ICTs for communication and networking.
The issue will also offer analysis of the implications of the “technological revolution” for African and transnational feminist work and thought.
Enquiries about the issue and proposals for pieces for consideration (feature articles, book reviews, standpoint pieces, proposals for In Conversations) should be sent to by the end of July, 2012.
Enquiries about the issue and proposals for pieces for consideration (feature articles, book reviews, standpoint pieces, proposals for In Conversations) should be sent to by the end of April, 2012.
Via: identitykenya