PUB: Call for entries: The Writer 2012 Short-Story Contest > The Writer Magazine

Call for entries:

The Writer 2012 Short-Story Contest

Here's your chance to win money and get published!  In collaboration with Gotham Writers' Workshop, we're pleased to bring you The Writer 2012 Short-Story Contest, which offers great prizes to the top three finishers!

Contest prizes:

First prize: $1,000; a free 10-week creative writing workshop offered online by Gotham Writers' Workshop ($420 value); publication in The Writer and on; and a one-year subscription to The Writer.

Second prize: $300; free enrollment in a four-week How to Get Published seminar taught online by a literary agent and Gotham Writers' Workshop ($150 value); publication on; and a one-year subscription to The Writer.

Third prize: $200; free enrollment in a four-week How to Get Published seminar taught online by a literary agent and Gotham Writers' Workshop ($150 value); publication on; and a one-year subscription to The Writer.

Contest Overview:

We're looking for your original, unpublished short stories up to 2,000 words. Entries must be in English and submitted by the author, who must be at least 18 years old at the time of entry. No explicit sex, graphic language or graphic violence. Entries will be judged based on creativity, sense of story, characterization, and overall quality of writing, including grammar, punctuation and syntax. Writers may submit more than one story, but each story must be accompanied by a separate entry fee. Complete rules and FAQs are available at

Entry fee: $10 per story submitted.

Deadline: All entries must be submitted online by midnight (EDT) on April 30, 2012.


Notification: Winners will be notified by e-mail by Aug. 15, 2012. All entrants will be notified of the results by Aug. 31, 2012.

Questions: If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to

Resources: Check out for articles about writing short stories.