PUB: Call for Literary Work: Multicultural Women’s Presence’s Upcoming Anthology « Repeating Islands

Call for Literary Work:


Women’s Presence’s

Upcoming Anthology

To commemorate the second anniversary of the earthquake of January 12, 2010 in Haiti, Edition Multicultural Women’s Presence, Inc. is preparing an anthology titled Cris et Larmes / Cries and Tears / Rel ak dlo nan je.

This anthology offers a forum that will give voice to women who were greatly affected by this tragedy which devastated our land and who continue, two years later, to be concerned.  The volume will contain texts in prose and poetry from Haitian women in Haiti and in the diaspora testifying their emotions and the experiences lived during the earthquake. The book will formulate important questions about the future of Haitian women and about the country. We will also include the voices of women from other countries who are working in solidarity with Haiti.

We are appealing to all those who are interested in having their voices heard.  Therefore, we would greatly appreciate it if you would send us via e-mail a text in prose or poetry relating your reactions to the earthquake, your support after the tragedy and what are in your view the perspectives for the future of  Haitian women and for Haiti in general.

If you decide to submit a text for this volume and following the approval of the Editing Committee, your text will appear in the anthology titled: CRIS ET LARMES / CRIES AND TEARS / REL AK DLO NAN JE.  Upon receipt, we will consider your text as a permission to publish.

Multicultural Women’s Presence, Inc. is a non profit organization founded in 1999, at the service of women. Reviewing and editing texts and also the cost of lay-out and printing is definitely a challenge for a small independent press. While the authors retain their copyright, we ask all participants to graciously renounce any royalties and we thank them for letting others know about this upcoming publication along with other MWP’s published titles.

We would like you to include with your text a biographical note of 50 to 75 words maximum, your e-mail address, your regular post office address and your telephone number. Even if you have already submitted a draft, please send a formal bio by the stated deadline. The texts received without the biographical note will be considered incomplete and will not be included in the anthology.

We are glad for your participation in this project and expect to receive your text on or before the deadline of February 20, 2012


Title:  Cris et Larmes / Cries and Tears / Rel ak dlo nan je

Format;  Texte in word times new roman 12”

Languages: french, creole, english

Deadline:  FEBRUARY 20, 2012

Number of words:  Maximum 800 to 1000 for a text in prose / 500 for a poem

Biography: Maximum 50 to 75 words

Please send text to both: and

In solidarity,

Editing Committee

Florence Bellande-Robertson

Edwidge Danticat

Evelyne Ducheine-Cartright

Claudine Michel

Marlène Racine-Toussaint