PUB: Call for papers - 12th ICCL in Cuba « Repeating Islands


12th ICCL in Cuba

12th ICCL in Cuba, November 1 – 6, 2011; organized by Morehouse College, Casa de las Américas, and Road Scholar

Conference Theme: An Intimate Connection with the Authors and People of Cuba

This year ICCL has accepted an unprecedented and unparalleled opportunity to interact intimately with some of Cuba’s’ foremost authors and cultural artists. We have also arranged a unique program of meaningful opportunities for you to interact with the Cuban people as you explore important historical and cultural sites in Havana, where lectures, discussions, readings and performances by prominent Cuban writers, artists and intellectuals will be held. For this venture, we are privileged to partner with Road Scholar and with Casa de las Américas. In order for you to be a part of this historic experience, it is absolutely imperative that you register with Road Scholar no later than September 20, 2011. We think that you will NOT want to miss the exciting program ICCL and Road Scholar have arranged for your education and enjoyment during the six days of the conference (see attached program and speaker biographies).

Although this year we are particularly interested in Cuban literature, we invite papers and panels on any aspects of Caribbean literature. Papers may be presented in Spanish, French, or English and should last no longer than 20 minutes. Please send 150-word abstracts (in the language of your intended presentation) to Dr. Melvin B. Rahming, Co-founder of ICCL ( (404)-625-3822. Please direct any questions having to do with ICCL panels to Dr. Leah Creque (, (770) 331- 0657 or Dr. Michael Janis ( (770-819-8242), both of whom are co-directors of ICCL. Abstracts and proposals MUST be received by September 20, 2011.

To register or for any questions about the program contact Road Scholar by calling: toll free 800 – 322 – 5315 M-F from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (outside the US: 1-978-323-4141 or email Please reference program # 20225

Again, this conference presents us with a range of literary, cultural, and educational experiences unprecedented in ICCL’s eleven-year history. It also promises up-close and personal involvement with important aspects of Cuba’s historical and contemporary society. Don’t delay and enroll early; due to the nature of this year’s program there are limited spots available. Enrollment is open to all, not only to presenters.

Distinguished Speakers and Presenters

Roberto Fernández Retamar: poet, essayist, internationally renowned scholar. A former visiting scholar at Yale, he has published over twenty volumes of poetry and is the foremost scholar of José Martí working today. His book of essays in the collection Calibán remains among the most widely discussed in the Americas. Since 1965 he has directed the journal of Casa de las Américas, the illustrious literary institution and publishing house he has presided over since 1986.

Pedro Pérez Sarduy: poet, writer, journalist and broadcaster living in London. He is the author of Surrealidad, Cumbite and Other Poems, and a new novel, Las Criadas de La Habana (The Maids of Havana). He is also co-editor with Jean Stubbs of Afro-Cuba: An Anthology of Cuban Writing on Race, Politics and Culture.

Miguel Barnet: writer, essayist and ethnologist, whose studies of Afro-Cuban culture continue the tradition of his mentor, Fernando Ortiz. The canonical Biografía de un Cimarrón of 1966 (Biography of a Runaway Slave) remains a watershed of the testimonial genre. He has published many volumes of poetry, from La piedrafina y el pavoreal to Actos del final. President of the Cuban Association of Writers and Artists, he was recently awarded the Mihai Eminescu International Poetry Prize, granted by the Academy named after the great Romanian poet.

Fernando Martínez Heredia: winner of the 2006 National Prize for Social Science, to whom the 20th International Book Fair is dedicated. A prominent philosopher and political theorist, he has written more than 200 essays and several groundbreaking texts, from El Ejercito de pensar and Filosofar con el martillo to the edited volume Laberintos de la utopía.

Nancy Morejón: scholar and poet whose work is known throughout Latin America and in the U.S. A bilingual edition of some of her greatest poems is available from Wayne State University, Mirar Adentro/Looking Within: Selected Poems, 1954-2000. As in many of the works of the great Nicolas Guillén, “Mujer negra” (1975), Morejón’s most famous poem, carries on the search for African roots and looks forward to a new future for African descendents in Cuba.

Los Muñequitos de Matanzas: rumba group, founded in the 1950s, known all over the world. The drummers and singers of the conjunto from Matanzas perform traditional rumba (guaguancó, columbia, yambú) as well as the sacred music of the Lucumí, and Abakuá traditions.

Program fee is $2595.00 per person in shared room; single-room supplement fee is $250. Includes: 5 nights at hotels in Miami and Havana, Charter flights: Miami to Havana, Havana to Miami, All program fees, presentations, activities and airport transfers, 13 meals (5 B, 4 L, 4 D), Medical and Medical Emergency Evacuation Insurance, and Cuba travel visa.

To register or for any questions about the program contact Road Scholar by calling: toll free 800 – 322 – 5315 M-F from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (outside the US: 1-978-323-4141 or email Please reference program # 20225

Bride, Havana, Cuba, Photograph by Dmitri Markine from National Geographic at