PUB: Call for Papers: African American Experience and the Poetry of Michael S. Harper (NeMLA Convention 2013, Boston) > Writers Afrika

Call for Papers:

African American Experience

and the Poetry of Michael S. Harper

(NeMLA Convention 2013, Boston)

Seminar session at the 2013 NeMLA Convention examining poetry by Michael S. Harper. Welcomes explorations of Harper's poetry and engagements with African American experience, jazz, history, family, Black writers, and more. Seeking discussion of Harper as teacher, mentor, and scholar. Considering poet's imprint on African American letters & poetics. Interested in Harper as New England poet, Harper and the visual arts, Harper and James Wright, the geographic imaginary & Harper’s verse, among other possibilities. Send 300-500 word abstracts and brief biographical statement or CV to Michael Antonucci.


For queries/ submissions:
