PUB: Call for papers by the Society of Movie Scholars



African movies across its regions have grown to the extent that there is need to critically do their in-depth studies with the purpose of generating theories on their packaging, analysis and proper classification into genres. Most movies produced in Africa are packaged without recourse to definite theories. Broadly speaking, most of the movies can be categorized into three groups namely, cultural or epic; modern and religious movies. While the religious and cultural movies could be in local or foreign languages, modern movies are so described because they are often located in the context of urban or rural populace and are produced in foreign or local languages, treating themes bothering on modern issues. But where they are in local languages, they are often lazed with Pidgin English or code mixed. However, these groupings possess the tendency to overlap if these categories are to be retained. Thus, it is difficult to arrogate to these groupings as genres on their own, more so that these grading are not guided by definite theories.

To define these groups effectively therefore, it might be necessary to do a close survey of their constituents. This is when the components can be highlighted into specific genres for stimulating and rich academic exercise. It is expected as the outcome of the exercise that specialization, originality and scope-widening and thus further ground for employment creation and legitimacy of production and its development would be engendered. Then practitioners' specializations on specific genres would increase, and the tendency to recycle old ideas for new creations would be reduced. 

This conference is therefore organized with the intent of gathering interested scholars and practitioners within and outside Africa to rub minds so as to evolve specific theories of packaging, analysis, and map out what genres African movies could be grouped. Taking a leap from the fact that movies are audio-visualisation of literature and literary texts and are analysed based on definite theories, the objective therefore is to cut a niche for African movies like literature, and place them strategically in the world movie categorizations but based on African development ideals and thus globalise what hitherto were local mediations.

In view of the above, abstracts are invited from academics, media industry professionals, movie producers, distributors, government agencies, policymakers, movie regulators, agencies, donors, civil society organisations, independent consultants, research groups and students, on any aspects of the under listed sub-themes. Such abstracts which should not exceed 200 words should be based on the analysis of select movies that fall within the sub-themes. This would eventually argue out the basis for specified theories and why the movie should be classified within the genres that the scholar is advocating. Contributors should however not forget to state under which sub-theme they are submitting their abstract.


Abstracts are to be sent to our E-mail address: on or before July 1st, 2011.


Below are the likely, but by no means the only sub-themes on which abstracts can be submitted.

Trends in movie Theories.
Existing Literary Theories and the need or not, for distinct African movie theories.
Generating theories on African movies.
Emergent genres in African movies.
Movies and the relevance of African-specific genres.
Classifying African urban and rural movies.
Gender and social issues in African movies, need for classical genrization.
War and crime movies and proper classification.
Travel movies and issues of depiction.
African movies and the global media culture.
Representation of economic and political issues in African movies
Africans' contributions to the Theories of Gaze.
Sociology and Psychology of African movies.
Conference Dates: October 27-29, 2011
Osun State University, Osogbo; Nigeria.

Proposals should include abstract title, author's name, address, telephone number, email address, and institutional affiliation.

Conference fee: A non-refundable registration fee of N15, 000 or (USD 250, BP150 for participants from the US, Europe, and other African countries). This must be paid immediately when an abstract is accepted. It is expected that all participants will raise the funding to attend the conference please.

For more details, please contact any of the following:
*Kayode Animasaun, PhD: College of Humanities and Culture Osun State University, Ikire Campus, Ikire. Convener and Chairman LOC:
+2348073787551, drkayanimasaun@gmail.Com
*Gloria Ernest-Samuel, Imo State University Owerri- Sec. LOC
*Ameh Akoh PhD H.O.D Languages and Linguistics Department, Osun State University, Ikire Campus, Ikire
: +2348035992490,