PUB: Call for Papers: Caribbean InTransit Arts Journal « Repeating Islands

Call for Papers:

Caribbean InTransit Arts Journal

The deadline for Caribbean InTransit Biannual Arts Journal’s call for papers is around the corner: August 15, 2012. The call for submissions is for Issue 4: Cutting Edges: New Media & Creative Entrepreneurship.

Description: Throughout the Caribbean region and its multiple Diasporas, artistic form and practice are at risk.  Since the beginning of a global economic crisis in 2008, the arts have been particularly impacted through severe losses of funding and institutional support.  These ongoing global challenges to the practice and production of the arts affect the Caribbean in specific ways. Mobilizing the crisis as a critical point of departure, this volume of Caribbean InTransit seeks to examine both the inherent risks and possibilities of the intersection of new technologies, entrepreneurship and artistic practice.

How might we deploy the cutting edges of artistry, technological innovation and business practices to find creative solutions to these challenges?  How have entrepreneurship, electronic and digital networks, mobilities and artistic projects threatened or empowered the arts in times of crisis? Are indigenous or traditional practices at risk in the age of global communication and exchange?  How can experiments in new media, performance, film, literature, music, art, and architecture articulate financially sustainable aesthetic interventions in the contemporary moment? This volume of Caribbean InTransit invites exploration of these cutting edges and their myriad interpretations as both pitfall and promise.

Essays and creative works may explore but are not limited to the following possible topics: Caribbean spaces and/or place-based art in digital representations; Nationality, transnationality and global citizenship; Narratives of cultural, entrepreneurial and/or community struggles; Locality and locatedness; Culture as a political, social and/or economic strategy; Case studies of cultural work, methods and iconographies; Intra- or cross-Caribbean spaces, engagements and discussions; Examinations of City/Country; Anti- and/or De-colonial aesthetics and transmodern strategies of re-existence.

We welcome 4000-5000 word essays in English, Spanish or French. Artwork, music, dance, poetry, mas or junkanoo designs or any other artistic expression with blurbs in English, French, Spanish, Dutch, dialect or creole are welcome as well as films in any language with subtitles in English. Fiction or non-fiction writings in English or dialects will be accepted. Writings in dialect should be accompanied by a translation of terms. Research papers on visual or vocal modes of expression as well as interviews of contemporary artists in English are also welcome.

Email submissions to: and copy to

For full description and details, see