PUB: Call for Papers: Caribbean Studies Association Conference 2012 « Repeating Islands

Call for Papers:

Caribbean Studies Association

Conference 2012

The Caribbean Studies Association Conference announces its 37th Annual Conference to be held on May 28-June 3, 2012, in Le Gosier, Guadeloupe. The theme for 2012 is “Unpacking Caribbean Citizenship: Rights, Participation and Belonging.” The deadline for submissions is December 30, 2011.

The CSA invites scholars, practitioners in the humanities, social sciences, public policy and members of civil society organizations whose works focus on the wider Caribbean and its diaspora to submit abstracts of approximately 250 words or less for research papers and presentations. Graduate student submissions and multilingual panels are welcome.

While the organizers expect individual paper submissions, they especially encourage participants to submit proposals for complete panels (four presenters), roundtable discussions that engage with the conference’s timely theme. Unrelated topics will also be considered. Submissions must be made electronically via the CSA website.

With respect to the film/art/performance track: Next year, a very limited number of films that pertain to the conference theme as well as the Francophone Caribbean will be selected for presentation during the conference. This new direction is designed to both streamline and better integrate the film/art/performance track within the conference. Please see the CSA website for submission information.

CSA is able to offer a limited number of travel grants to assist selected participants. A call for applications for the travel grant will be issued on the CSA website as well as in the CSA fall newsletter scheduled for December.

For information concerning the program only, contact Dr. Gina Athena Ulysse, Program Chair at

For information pertaining to registration and membership, please contact Mrs. Joy Cooblal, Secretary-Treasurer at

For questions on the travel grants, please contact Dr Samuel Furé Davis, Grant Committee Chair at

More information on the conference’s theme can be found on the CSA website at