Colonial and postcolonial
Urban Planning in Africa
CALL FOR PAPERS: International Planning History Society (IPHS) & Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal - CONFERENCE Colonial and postcolonial Urban Planning in Africa, Lisbon, 5-6 September 2013
According to the United Nations, around 40 percent of the African population lived in urban areas in 2009. Population living in these vibrant and complex cities, different from one another in patterns, processes and functions, is expected to reach 60 percent in 2050 and to set important challenges to both central and local governments in the continent. The answer to these challenges seems to require above all systematic urban planning, as acknowledged recently by the director of UN-Habitat.
The Conference – Colonial and Postcolonial Urban Planning in Africa – aims to re-examine the history of colonial urban planning in Africa and its legacies in the post-independence period, to learn from contemporary African scholarship, and to discuss how postcolonial urban planning cultures can actually address these urban challenges and contribute effectively for the development of resilient and sustainable cities in Africa.
The Conference to be held in Lisbon, in September 2013, organized by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning - University of Lisbon and the International Planning History Society (IPHS), will explore two key themes in the history of urban planning in Africa:
· Theme I - 19th and 20th Century Colonial Urban Planning in Africa
· Theme II - Postcolonial Urban Planning in Africa
In both themes we welcome country and cross-country approaches, studies of individual cities, and the comparison of African cities with one another.
The conference is organized in panels according to topics and issues.
The working language of the conference will be English. Translation services will not be provided.
Participation in the conference requires the presentation of a paper.
We invite researchers, planners and postgraduate students to present critical analyses of the multifaceted urban planning experience in Africa.
Mais informações, aqui.