PUB: CALL FOR PAPERS: Colonial and postcolonial Urban Planning in Africa > Próximo Futuro


Colonial and postcolonial

Urban Planning in Africa

conference flyerCALL FOR PA­PERS: In­ter­na­ti­onal Plan­ning His­tory So­ciety (IPHS) & Ins­ti­tute of Ge­o­graphy and Spa­tial Plan­ning, Uni­ver­sity of Lisbon, Por­tugal - CON­FE­RENCE Co­lo­nial and post­co­lo­nial Urban Plan­ning in Africa, Lisbon, 5-6 Sep­tember 2013

Ac­cor­ding to the United Na­tions, around 40 per­cent of the African po­pu­la­tion lived in urban areas in 2009. Po­pu­la­tion li­ving in these vi­brant and com­plex ci­ties,  dif­fe­rent from one another in pat­terns, pro­cesses and func­tions, is ex­pected to reach 60 per­cent in 2050 and to set im­por­tant chal­lenges to both cen­tral and local go­vern­ments in the con­ti­nent. The answer to these chal­lenges seems to re­quire above all sys­te­matic urban plan­ning, as ack­no­wledged re­cently by the di­rector of UN-Ha­bitat.

The Con­fe­rence – Co­lo­nial and Post­co­lo­nial Urban Plan­ning in Africa – aims to re-exa­mine the his­tory of co­lo­nial urban plan­ning in Africa and its le­ga­cies in the post-in­de­pen­dence pe­riod, to learn from con­tem­po­rary African scho­larship, and to dis­cuss how post­co­lo­nial urban plan­ning cul­tures can ac­tu­ally ad­dress these urban chal­lenges and con­tri­bute ef­fec­ti­vely for the de­ve­lop­ment of re­si­lient and sus­tai­nable ci­ties in Africa.

The Con­fe­rence to be held in Lisbon, in Sep­tember 2013, or­ga­nized by the Ins­ti­tute of Ge­o­graphy and Spa­tial Plan­ning - Uni­ver­sity of Lisbon and the In­ter­na­ti­onal Plan­ning His­tory So­ciety (IPHS), will ex­plore two key themes in the his­tory of urban plan­ning in Africa:

·         Theme I - 19th and 20th Cen­tury Co­lo­nial Urban Plan­ning in Africa

·         Theme II - Post­co­lo­nial Urban Plan­ning in Africa

In both themes we wel­come country and cross-country ap­pro­a­ches, stu­dies of in­di­vi­dual ci­ties, and the com­pa­rison of African ci­ties with one another.

The con­fe­rence is or­ga­nized in pa­nels ac­cor­ding to to­pics and is­sues.

The wor­king lan­guage of the con­fe­rence will be En­glish. Trans­la­tion ser­vices will not be pro­vided.

Par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the con­fe­rence re­quires the pre­sen­ta­tion of a paper.

We in­vite re­se­ar­chers, plan­ners and post­gra­duate stu­dents to pre­sent cri­tical analyses of the mul­ti­fa­ceted urban plan­ning ex­pe­ri­ence in Africa.


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