PUB: Call for Papers (deadline fast approaching): “Gender and Postmodernism in Puerto Rico—The Multifaceted Work of Rosario Ferré” « Repeating Islands

Call for Papers

(deadline fast approaching):

“Gender and Postmodernism

in Puerto Rico

—The Multifaceted Work of Rosario Ferré”

Many thanks to Jerusa Ali for sharing information on what promises to be an exciting conference. Gender and Postmodernism in Puerto Rico: The Multifacted Work of Rosario Ferré will take place at the University of Western Brittany [Université de Bretagne Occidentale] in Brest-Quimper, France, from April 4 to 6, 2013. The Centre de recherche brétonne et celtique and the Institut des Amériques calls for submissions of scientific research papers for this congress, which will be held at the Victor Segalen School of Humanities in Brest and Pôle J. Hélias in Quimper.

Description: Rosario Ferré (Ponce, Puerto Rico, 1938) is a consummate writer renowned for her diverse literary production, which covers a wide range of genres (essays, poetry, children’s stories, novels, short stories). But beyond its inherent value, this multifaceted work catalyzes the mutations undergone in the Puerto Rican and Latin American literary field from the 1960s on. This author’s uninterrupted artistic activity, both in the field of creating and reviewing, have made her an essential representative of the insular and continental literary scene of these past forty years.

The aim of this Congress is to explore the different facets of a multifaceted production based on the following themes: the writing context—Puerto Rico’s literary production in the 1960s; feminism and writing in Puerto Rico—questions of gender in the work of Rosario Ferré; and the complex coexistence of languages in contact with one another: bilingualism, translation, self-translation in the work of Rosario Ferré and in post-colonial Puerto Rican literature.

Conditions of Participation: Abstracts (a summary of 2000 characters, spaces included) should be sent before the 31st of January 2013 to the following address: Papers may be presented in English, French, or Spanish.

Dates: January 31, deadline for sending abstracts; February 28, acceptance notification; and March 15, publication of final program.

Registration fees: 115 euros (which include meals during congress and publication of articles).