Call for Papers for Upcoming Publication:
Ontario Black History Society
Deadline: 30 September 2011The Ontario Black History Society (OBHS) is soliciting papers for its upcoming publication both in honour of the UN International Year for People of African Descent and in commemoration of one of the earliest Black institutions in Canada - the Black Church. The book committee welcomes submissions for AME, BME, First Baptist: African-Canadians and the Church (working title) on any aspect of African Diasporic and African Canadian church history, however special preference will be given to submissions directly related to the suggested title of the proposed book.
The OBHS advocated for the historic designation of the African Methodist Episcopal Church then located on Soho Street in downtown Toronto. Since the congregation had moved to another location, the site was vacant and of interest to a developer. The OBHS advocated to have this site preserved and potentially reanimated as a museum/cultural centre. However, despite OBHS submissions to Neighbourhood Committee, OMB and Toronto City Council, it was decided that the church site would be demolished.
One outcome was the provision of a small donation by the developer, Wittington, to support the preservation of the church through the creation of a written document, a book, about the people of the AME and of the church as it is now as well as the former long-term site of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Toronto that was demolished. About the same time, the British Methodist Episcopal Church on Shaw Street was destroyed by arson. Hence the focus on the AME, BME and the other existing central Toronto Black church, First Baptist.
Proposals with a 200 word limit should be submitted to admin@blackhistorysociety.ca by September 30th, 2011 along with full contact information. Proposals from academics as well as church historians and community historians are welcome. Successful applicants will be notified before October 28, 2011 and their full submission would then be required by December 31, 2011. The book will be published in 2012.
Also, should you have archival materials related to this topic including minute books, hymnals, music, photographs, commemorative booklets or correspondence, please consider making this resource available to the OBHS for inclusion in our actual and virtual repositories.
More information and updates will be available as they arise through the OBHS website, www.blackhistorysociety.ca or the OBHS office: admin@blackhistorysociety.ca.
Contact Information:
For inquiries: admin@blackhistorysociety.ca
For submissions: admin@blackhistorysociety.ca
Website: http://www.blackhistorysociety.ca