Posted by: ivetteromero | June 10, 2011Call for Papers: Negritud, International Conference
Negritud, the Journal of Afro-Latin American Studies [Negritud: Revista de Estudios Afro-Latinoamericanos] announces its 3rd International Conference, to be held March 22-24, 2012, in San Juan, Puerto Rico (exact venue to be announced). The deadline for submissions is January 14, 2012.
The organizers call for abstracts on any aspect of Afro-Latin American themes in literature, history, sociology, anthropology, archeology, musicology, pedagogy, and other fields of study, as well as creative writing in French, English, Portuguese, or Spanish. (Presentation time for papers is limited to 20 minutes.)
Potential participants should provide an e-mail message with a 200-word abstract and a cover letter listing the following: name (last, first); academic affiliation; title of the paper; address; telephone number; e-mail address. Please send submissions to the attention of Dr. Luis Miletti at
[Many thanks to Don Walicek for bringing this item to our attention.]
For more information on the journal, see