PUB: Call for Papers on Black Theatre (ATHE Conference, Florida) > Writers Afrika

Call for Papers on Black Theatre

(ATHE Conference, Florida)

Deadline: 10 October 2012

The Black Theatre Association (BTA), a Focus Group of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), invites complete panel proposals and individual abstracts for ATHE’s 2013 conference.

In light of the conference location in Orlando and the theme, “P(L)AY: Performance, Pleasure and Pedagogy,” BTA is particularly interested in panels and papers that explore questions of play and playfulness within the performance, study and teaching of black theatre, and considerations of the prices artists and audiences pay for their play. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Comedy, satire, parody and farce in black drama.

  • Black theatre and the economics of the entertainment marketplace.

  • Playful pedagogical approaches to difficult conversations about race in performance

  • New players redefining black performance: Tyler Perry, Christian performance artists, post-black playwrights, or others.

  • Black theatre artists engaging with younger audiences.

  • Linguistic and rhetorical strategies: signifyin(g), improvisation, “the dozens,” etc.
Proposers must submit all requests for anticipated audiovisual needs, conference grants, or guest passes with proposal submission. Please note: ATHE limits all participants to 2 presentations at each conference.

You can use BTA’s email list to discuss panel ideas with other scholars and artists and to solicit contributors for panel proposals. If you are already a subscriber, send your message directly to Or send your message to BTA Secretary Eunice Ferreira:

The Black Theatre Association (BTA) is an organization composed of scholars, graduate students, and theatre artists of differing ages, races, colors, genders, national origins, religious beliefs, shapes, and sizes. Our unified interest in the critical study of Black theatre from a global perspective informs our collective desire to inform and promote the experiences of Black people as expressed in various forms of drama and performance. If you are interested in joining BTA at no cost, please visit our website at Or, visit and click on BTA under the Focus Groups tab.


  • November 1st for complete panel proposals — online at

  • October 10th for individual paper proposals — please email a 200-word abstract to Jonathan Shandell, BTA Conference Planner

For queries/ submissions:
